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      Mimaki at FESPA Middle East 2024

        Mimaki, the leading man-                                         be demonstrating several   produce high resolution,
      ufacturer of inkjet printing                                       cost effective solutions,   durable prints for signage
      and cutting technologies,                                          including the UJV100-  and the entry level JV100-
      announces its attendance at                                        160Plus, Mimaki’s highly   160B, a solvent printer that
      the first edition of FESPA                                         competitive LED UV    allows companies to print
      Middle East (29th – 31st                                           printer, which will be using   high-quality and vibrant
      January 2024) in Dubai                                             the recently announced 3M   applications. The JV100-
      (UAE). As a key region for                                         Performance Guarantee   160B will be part of a full
      Mimaki, the company will                                           awarded LUS-210 inks. The   print  and cut workflow
      join printing professionals                                        JFX200-2513 EX, a large   demonstration, operating in
      from across the Middle East,                                       flatbed LED UV printer   conjunction  with  the
      Africa and South Asia in the                                       equipped with 2.5D print   CG-130AR from the CG-AR
      first edition of the show. At   At its booth (1-C1) visitors can see Mimaki’s high-quality products  technology, will demon-  series. For textile printers,
      its booth (1-C1), visitors can                                     strate its unique ability to   the sublimation printer
      see a series of high quality,   Graphics in the Middle East  nologies offer trustworthy   create applications with cus-
      highly efficient products   and has seen an increase of   and highly efficient solu-  tomised 3D aspects. For   TS100-1600 will be featured
      designed for the sign graph-  134% in unit placement in   tions for the sign graphics,   those looking to create   on the stand. Decorated
      ics, industrial and textile   the region compared to the   industrial and textile sec-  wider-format prints with   with a vibrant underwater
      market, including the 330   previous four quarters.  We  tors.     Mimaki’s UV printing tech-  theme, created using a
      and 100 Series alongside a   look to continue and build   “As the first edition of   nology, attendees can see   wrap-around graphic,
      series of cost-efficient inks.  on that momentum in 2024,  FESPA  Middle  East,  it’s   the UJV55-320 in action.  Mimaki’s booth seeks to
        Arjen Evertse, General   starting off strong with our   exciting to be alongside   The company’s solvent   immerse visitors in nature
      Manager Sales, Mimaki   attendance at FESPA Middle   FESPA as they embark on   printer portfolio will also be   to encourage conversation
      Europe, comments, “In the   East in January. With a port-  this new venture into what is   on show, including the eco-  on the industry’s environ-
      last four quarters Mimaki   folio catering to the needs of  proven to be a strong and   solvent CJV330-160, which   mental impact, following
      has set the bar high with the  printing businesses in the   growing market for print.”  achieves a unique balance of  the COP28 event in
      largest market share in Sign  Middle East, Mimaki’s tech-  On the booth Mimaki will   productivity and speed to   November.

      Xerox Emirates offers end to end production ecosystem

        The Xerox® end to end                                                    ent results, simplified work-  Infrastructure Optimizing
      production ecosystem ena-                                          flow, fewer programming   Support: CareAR® Assist
      bles a wide range of high –                                        errors, and higher profit   Service Management
      growth applications and                                            potential.            Software: prevents and
      workflow that can deliver                                           Workflow Automation:
      cost savings, boost profits,                                       Workflow automation isn’t   resolves problems using
      and provide competitive                                                                  guided visual support reduc-
      advantages to print provid-                                        just for big or specialty print-  ing equipment downtime.
      ers. It drives efficiencies in                                     ers. With continued advance-  Engineering and 3rd Party
      the production of  a  wide                                         ments, it can help even the   integration is the core of
      range of applications from                                         smallest commercial printers   Xerox’s innovations enlarg-
      direct marketing, personal-                                        and in-house print centers
      ized catalogues, book pub-  Xerox continues to invest in automation workflow software with AI  achieve real benefits in terms   ing the portfolio and secur-
      lishing, packaging, photo   (AI),  Augmented Reality   Press Automation:   of efficiency and cost savings.  ing the future.
      publishing and more. To fur-                                        Marketing Automation:   Another pillar of the end-
      ther help print providers   (AR), and data analytics ena-  Unleashes more production   Attracting customers can be   to-end eco system is security
      improve workplace produc-  bling digital transformation.    power with advanced auto-    regulations and compliance.
      tivity and decrease turna-  The right end to end produc-  mation, astonishing media   challenging. To stay at the   Xerox secure printing solu-
      round times, Xerox®   tion eco system for digital   latitude and cloud-based AI   forefront, print providers
      continues to invest in auto-                                       need to keep up with the lat-  tions offer features with
      mation workflow software   transformation encompasses   that automatically optimizes   est trends in print and digital  authentication and job track-
      using Artificial Intelligence   four key areas.   the press. It delivers consist-  marketing.  ing.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/[email protected]. Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/[email protected] and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/[email protected]. © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: [email protected] No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                    January 2024 PrintWeek MENA 03
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