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      FESPA Middle East second edition

        The second edition of                                            showcase of live competi-  tional reinvestment initia-
      FESPA Middle East will                                             tions, learning opportuni-  tive designed  to  channel
      return to the Dubai                                                ties, and business-building   revenue from FESPA events
      Exhibition Centre  this                                            sessions. On the exhibition   into supporting the sustain-
      month. The event will run                                          floor, you will be free to   able and profitable growth
      for three days from 20 – 22                                        attend  FLEx  (FESPA   of the global speciality print
      January 2025. FESPA’s deci-                                        Leadership Exchange), a   community.
      sion to host this event in                                         range of conferences featur-
      2025 follows the positive                                          ing international speakers   “As a not-for-profit organi-
      response to the launch of the                                      and experts from across the   sation, FESPA has a unique
      inaugural FESPA Middle                                             printing industry covering   focus, driven by a mission to
      East 2024.                                                         topics such as Business   promote growth and knowl-
        FESPA’s inaugural event,   FESPA Middle East will take place from 20 – 22 January 2025  Building, Personalization,   edge-sharing in the printing
      which took place in January                                        New Technology/Future   sector and provide ongoing
      2024, attracted 150 brand   and nearly half wanted to   ideal platform for FESPA’s   Vision, Brand Perspective,   support to the industry
      exhibitors and more than   engage with exhibitors   free educational programme   Sustainability in print.  worldwide. FESPA Middle
      4,000 visits across three   showcasing 3D printing, sig-  which offered high-quality   As a global federation of   East is an important addition
      days. Participants came   nage and displays. Visitors   content from 18 global spe-  associations for the digital   to our global portfolio and
      from 88 different countries,   were also particularly inter-  cialists with an agenda that   printing, textile and screen-  highlights our commitment
      including the UAE, Saudi   ested in print suppliers of   consisted of leadership ses-  printing community, FESPA   to promoting the region’s
      Arabia, India, Pakistan,   gifts and promotional prod-  sions, workshops and practi-  is a non-profit organisation
      Kuwait, Iraq, Oman, Jordan,   ucts, inks and consumables   cal demonstrations.           that has reinvested US$9   thriving print sector, making
      Egypt, Bahrain, Qatar,   as well as screen printing.   Visitors to FESPA Middle   million into the printing   us very different to other
      Turkey, Iran and Tanzania.   The collective budget of   East 2025 will also have   industry worldwide since   trade exhibition organisers,”
      Almost three quarters of vis-  these visitors totalled more   access to a wealth of content   2015 through its Profit for   said Bazil Cassim, Regional
      itors wanted to see the latest  than $530 million.   when the event returns to   Purpose programme.Profit   Manager (Middle East and
      digital printing technology   The show also provided an   Dubai, with a dynamic   for Purpose is an interna-  Africa), FESPA.

      Mimaki to spotlight latest sustainable solution at Heimtextil

        Mimaki Europe has                                                        MRSL Lv.3 and carrying the   print shop, and eliminates
      announced its attendance at                                        bluesign® APPROVED label,   the need for costly wastewa-
      global textile tradeshow,                                          the ink ensures both envi-  ter treatment facilities.
      Heimtextil 2025 (Frankfurt,                                        ronmental and user safety,   Additionally, the solution is
      January 14th-17th). The                                            making TRAPIS a safe, eco-  easy to operate, requiring no
      show, as the world’s largest
      trade fair for home and con-                                       friendly solution for textile   specialised skills or complex
      tract textiles, will give                                          applications in sectors such   maintenance and adapts to
      Mimaki the opportunity to                                          as home décor, activewear,   customer demands, even for
      demonstrate its latest sus-                                        and fashion.          short multi-material runs,
      tainable innovation,                                                TRAPIS also streamlines   while maintaining high
      TRAPIS, at its booth in Hall                                       production with its simplic-  standards for safety, colour-
      3.0 Stand B96.         TRAPIS is set to revolutionise the home textile industry  ity, requiring only an inkjet   fastness, stretchability, and
        Following the system’s                                           printer and a high-pressure   breathability.
      commercial launch earlier   treatment and washing   applications, such as home   calender, making high-qual-  Heimtextil will serve as a
      this year, TRAPIS is set to   stages, TRAPIS reduces   textiles, as it enables vibrant   ity, sustainable textile print-  stop  on Mimaki’s global
      revolutionise the home tex-  water usage by up to 90%,   printing on a diverse range
      tile industry with its envi-  saving approximately 14.5   of materials —including nat-  ing more accessible to print   TRAPIS Roadshow,
      ronmentally friendly   litres per square meter com-  ural fibres, blends, and syn-  service providers worldwide.    launched in Amsterdam
      two-step textile pigment   pared to traditional meth-              Its compact size allows for   with the Mimaki’s Textile
      transfer printing process. By   ods. This nearly waterless   thetics—with a single ink   installation in limited   Day Open House on 27th
      eliminating the need for pre-  solution is ideal for diverse   type. Certified by ZDHC   spaces, such as the front of a   November.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/[email protected]. Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/[email protected] and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/[email protected]. © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: [email protected] No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                    January 2025 PrintWeek MENA 05
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