Page 14 - PWM2024_May EBook
P. 14


      Valmet to deliver Fiberline                                                              SCA increases

      upgrade to Lecta’s mill                                                                  will increase the prices on
                                                                                                SCA has announced that it
                                                                                               brown and white kraftliner in
                                                                                               Europe by EUR 60 per tonne.
        Valmet announced that it                                         tion with Valmet OptiBin   The new price is effective
      will deliver a comprehensive                                       solution and Valmet Chip   from June 1, 2024.
      fiberline technolog y                                              Pumps, a new screening
      upgrade  to  Lecta’s inte-                                         room, an additional wash-  “There’s a growing
      grated pulp and paper mill                                                               demand for kraftliner in the
      in Zaragoza, Spain. The                                            ing stage with a new Valmet   market, well-supported by a
      upgrade enables a signifi-                                         TwinRoll Press, and an   balanced supply chain,” said
      cant capacity increase in                                          Oxygen Delignification   Mikael Frölander, Vice
      pulp production, while                                             stage modification. The   President of Marketing and
      reducing operational costs                                         delivery is scheduled for   S a l e s  a t  S C A
      and improving the availabil-  Delivery to Lecta Zaragoza Pulp and Paper Mill in Spain  Lecta’s annual shutdown in
      ity of the fiberline.                                              April 2025.           Containerboard.
        The fiberline upgrade will   equipment originally   efficiency of our process sig-      “We need to address the
      cover areas such as wood   installed in 1975 and 1990,”   nificantly through better   Lecta is a leading European   ongoing cost challenges
      handling, cooking, brown   explained Primitivo Prados,   availability and reduced   manufacturer and distributor   effectively to ensure a con-
      stock screening, washing   Mill Manager at Lecta   energy consumption and   of specialty papers for labels   tinuous supply.”
      and oxygen delignification,   Zaragoza. “Despite having   maintenance costs.”  and  flexible packaging,   With headquarters in
      enabling a significant capac-  been well-maintained and   Valmet’s delivery consists   coated and uncoated paper   Sundsvall, Sweden, SCA
      ity increase in pulp produc-  regularly refurbished, it has   of a comprehensive technol-  for publishing and commer-  offers packaging paper, pulp,
      tion, while reducing   reached the end of its lifecy-  ogy upgrade for the fiber-
      operational costs and   cle. We believe that by   line, including a new log   cial printing, and other high-  wood products, renewable
      improving the availability of   replacing old equipment   feeding system and a Valmet   value innovative products   energy, services for forest
      the fiberline.        with Valmet’s new technolo-  Chip Cutter for wood han-  such as as 100%  recyclable   owners and efficient trans-
        “Our fiberline consists of   gies we will improve the   dling, a cooking modifica-  papers.  port solutions.
      Twin Rivers Paper sells Pine                                       CMPC to build 2.5

      Bluff Paper Mill                                                   Million TPY pulp mill

         Twin Rivers Paper                                                CMPC on April 29 signed
      Company today announced                                            an agreement with the State
      the sale of its Pine Bluff,                                        of Rio Grande do Sul
      Arkansas, unbleached kraft                                         (Brazil) on a protocol of
      paper mill to American Kraft                                       intentions to move forward
      Paper Industries, an affiliate                                     in the evaluation of a com-
      of global industrial group                                         prehensive project, which
      American Industrial                                                will include a new pulp mill,
      Acquisition Corporation                                            located 15 kilometers from   TPY Pulp Mill in Brazil
      (AIAC). Terms of the trans-                                        the city of Barra do Ribeiro
      action were not disclosed.                                         in Rio Grande do Sul. The   expansion — in accordance
      Twin Rivers Paper acquired                                         project, called Natureza, has   with the highest world
                                                                                               standards of environmental
      the Pine Bluff kraft paper                                         an integral scope that com-  protection, efficiency and
      manufacturing and distribu-  Sale of Pine Bluff Paper Mill to American Kraft Paper Industries  bines industrialization, road   quality.
      tion business from the   Pine Bluff mill furthers Twin  agers and employees will  and port infrastructure, sus-  CMPC has submitted per-
      Mondi Group in 2018. In the   Rivers’ strategy of prioritiz-  realize long-term success.   tainable associative forestry,   mit applications for various
      six years since acquisition,   ing the growth of our core   We are working with AIAC to   conservation and cultural   monitoring activities of the
      Twin Rivers invested sub-  specialty papers business,”   ensure a seamless transition   promotion, and involves the   Fundacao Estadual de
      stantially in the Pine Bluff   stated Tyler Rajeski,   experience for our Pine Bluff   construction of a pulp mill   Protecao Ambiental
                                                   employees, customers and
                            President of Twin Rivers
      mill to enhance production   Paper. “With AIAC’s found-  suppliers.” The Pine Bluff   with the capacity to produce   Henrique Luis Roessler
      efficiency and capacity while   ing principle of investing in   Mill has one paper machine   up to 2.5 million tons per   (FEPAM), a technical agency
      expanding its product offer-  the assets it acquires, we are   with the capacity to produce   year of bleached short-fiber   of the Rio Grande do Sul
      ing.                  confident the Pine Bluff busi-  140,000 tpy of Sack Kraft   kraft pulp (BHKP) — with   State Environmental
        “The decision to sell the   ness and its dedicated man-  Paper.  the possibility of subsequent   Protection System.
      12 PrintWeek MENA May 2024                                                        
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