Page 21 - PWM2024_May EBook
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      Sandon Global to take part in Drupa

        Sandon Global, the                                               ing length.           participate in drupa’s official
      British anilox manufacturer                                         As part of its drupa plans,   Packaging Printing
      and drupa 2024 exhibitor, is                                       and demonstrating its quest   Technology and Innovation
      poised to showcase its exten-                                      for continuous improve-  Tour led by Anke Frieser
      sive technical expertise in                                        ment, Sandon Global has   Tausch, technical head of the
      flexographic printing and                                          collaborated with its OEM   DFTA Technology Center.
      two decades of excellence in                                       partner, SOMA, to design a   “We are looking forward
      anilox technology at the
      Messe Düsseldorf from 28                                           bespoke end ring embedded   to presenting our latest com-
      May – 7 June 2024. The                                             with an RFID chip. SOMA’s  pany developments and to
      company will present solu-                                         automatic mounting devices   participating in some excit-
      tions that tackle common                                           communicate both registra-  ing industry initiatives and
      print challenges with award-  The company to bring anilox excellence and technical know-how  tion and plate impression   live demonstrations at drupa
      winning results, whilst also                                       settings to the press using   2024,” said Richard
      improving its customers’   These alternative engravings   prolong sleeve life, strate-  the RFID chip, which aids   Millington, Managing
      operational efficiencies and   promise greater precision,   gies for how to overcome   identification and digitises   Director of Sandon Global.
      driving down costs.   quality, and consistency   challenges in water-based   the entire flexographic print  Sandon  Global’s  recent
        Sandon Global’s technical   compared to standard 60°   flexo printing on film and   process. Attendees can visit   investments in its new UK
      experts will be on hand to   cell designs, resulting in   promoting its unique EDT   the SOMA stand 15/A01 to   HQ, advanced plasma coat-
      present innovative engrav-  improved efficiencies and   sealing for oxidation (sub-  watch live print demos and   ing and laser engraving tech-
      ings including its XPRO,   cost savings for printers.  strate corrosion) resistance.
      GMX ANILOX®, HVP and    Other highlights include   With one of the largest lasers   find out more. With a new   nologies and development of
      FLUID FP designed to over-  showcasing the company’s   in Europe, corrugated print   German office,  Sandon   its third Knowledge Transfer
      come print hurdles such as   patented anilox sleeve con-  customers can also learn   Global GmbH, established in  Partnership to boost produc-
      scorelines, tricky coating   struction system (Pat.   more about the company’s   2023 to allow easier trading   tion capabilities signals a
      applications, excess anilox  EP3368317B1 and Pat.   laser capabilities with its   with  the  EU, as a DFTA   new era of innovation and
      inventories and pinholing.   US11059284) designed to  impressive 6-metre engrav-  member Sandon Global will   growth.

      Paper Machinery Corporation to Exhibit at Drupa 2024

        Paper Machinery                                                          ments.  Our one-piece lid   our commitment to sustain-
      Corporation (PMC) is                                               machine, which is ideal for   ability”.
      pleased to announce its par-                                       both hot and cold beverages,   Paper Machinery
      ticipation in the upcoming                                         will be on display with live   Corporation (PMC) is a
      Drupa Trade Show in                                                demonstrations highlighting
      Düsseldorf, where it will                                                                global leader in the design,
      showcase  its cutting-edge                                         the speed of operation and   manufacture, and customi-
      advancements in paper cup                                          the simplicity of the forming   zation of high-performance
      forming, plant automation                                          technology, brought   paper cup  and  container
      integration, and paper lid                                         together in a minimal foot-  forming machinery, as well
      machines.                                                          print.  The two-piece lid   as ancillary equipment and
        PMC’s team will be pre-                                          machine offers an enhanced
      sent at Hall 13, Booth #A65,   The company will showcase its cutting-edge advancements  lid-forming  process  in a   technologies for the paper
      to demonstrate the compa-                                          floor-space-saving single-  packaging industry. With
      ny’s latest machine technol-  newest developments in   Corporation, emphasized   machine design that creates   over 70 years of experience,
      ogies and discuss how they   paper lid machines.  the significance of these   the perfect lid for the food   PMC is dedicated to deliver-
      are  revolutionizing  the   One of the highlights of   advancements, stating,            ing innovative solutions that
      paper packaging industry.   PMC’s showcase will be the   “Drupa is the perfect indus-  service industry. These two   meet the evolving needs of
      Attendees can expect to wit-  unveiling of advancements   try event to showcase PMC’s   lid designs not only offer
      ness firsthand the efficiency   in two key lid machine cate-       superior quality graphics   its customers worldwide.
      and  quality  of PMC’s   gories. John Fortin, CEO of   innovations in multiple lid-  compared to plastic lid alter-  Contact its marketing team
      machinery, including its   Paper  Machinery  forming machine develop-  natives but also underscore   at [email protected].

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