Page 7 - PWM2024_May EBook
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        BRIEFS                                     Installations of Agfa

       The ninth edition of the
       Paper &  Tissue One
       Show, which opened at
       the Abu Dhabi National                      Anapurna H2500i
       Ex hi bit io n C e n t e r
       (ADNEC), has marked a
       remarkable start to what                     The Agfa Middle East fam-
       is now the largest event                    ily has welcomed a new cus-
       of its type. This year’s
       show (16-18 April, 2024),                   tomer, and the company has
       is being jointly organized by Al Furat Group and Saudi Paper   announced the latest installa-
       Group. Over 250 manufacturers and suppliers from 35   tion of the Anapurna
       countries are participating in the event, with the organizers   H2500i, UV Hybrid Printer,
       expecting around 16,000 visitors from 110 countries. A
       diverse range of products and services are being displayed   and Digital Flat Bed Cutter
       including paper jumbo rolls, finished paper products,   EYKON2516 at DRC.
       printing and chemical supplies, tissue, packaging, hygienic   Another Agfa Anapurna
       paper, as well as converters, cartons, and paperboard.   H2500i printer  has  been
       Relocated to ADNEC Centre Abu Dhabi, the city’s strategic   installed in East Africa. The
       location and its rising prominence as a hub for the pulp and      The Agfa Middle East family has welcomed new customers
       paper industry adds to the event’s allure, drawing a diverse   Print Store Ltd. in Kenya,
       international audience. The 2024 show also coincides with   Agfa's esteemed reseller has   ductivity for outdoor and   to their minimal energy out-
       Abu Dhabi’s Sustainability Week, highlighting the event’s   done it.  indoor, rigid and flexible   put,  these  LED  lights  are
       commitment to global sustainability practices and offering   The wide-format hybrid   wide-format jobs. The white   ideal for thin heat-sensitive
       a significant platform for industry professionals to showcase   Anapurna LED series is a per-  ink function creates possibili-  materials. They also lead to
       and discuss innovative solutions.                                                       faster operations as they can
                                                   fect fit for sign shops, digital   ties for printing on transpar-  be switched on and off
       WrapFest, the dedicated show for the vehicle and surface   printers, photo labs and mid-  ent material for backlit   instantaneously. The
       decoration community, will return to Silverstone this year,   size graphic screen printers   applications or for printing   Anapurna H2050i LED, the
       running from 3-4 October, 2024. After the highly successful   that want to combine board   white as a spot color.  The   Anapurna H2500i LED and
       inaugural event in spring                   and roll-to-roll print jobs.  hybrid Anapurna LEDs are   the Anapurna H3200i LED
       2023, leading market                                              fitted with air-cooled UV
       suppliers will return to                    The engines print at a width                come standard with an addi-
       the British  circuit to                     up to 3.2 m and combine   LED lights that save you   tional set of large media
       display and demonstrate                     high quality with high pro-  energy, costs and time. Due  tables.
       the latest products for
       the vehicle and graphics
       industry, from software                     ProPak MENA, Fi Africa 2024 cites
       and tools, to substrates
       and finishing. Organised
       networking, and innovation within the wrapping and  regional F&B development
       by FESPA, the exhibition promises to be a hub for growth,
       customisation industry. WrapFest draws in a diverse crowd
       of attendees including vehicle wrappers, installers, race   ProPak MENA 2024 will
       teams, fleet businesses, agencies, printers, sign makers,   be held at Cairo’s Egypt
       surface decorators, and detailers, ensuring that participants   International Exhibition
       from all backgrounds find value in its offerings.  Center (EIEC) from 26-28
                                                   May, 2024. The interna-
       The food packaging                          tional packaging and pro-
       market in the Middle
       East and Africa (MEA) has                   cessing technology event
       been on an exponential                      will be co-located with Food
       post-pandemic growth                        Ingredients Africa (Fi
       trajectory, with  the                       Africa). The two events,
       primary drivers of this                     launched in 2021 as part of   ProPak MENA 2024 will be held  at  Egypt International Exhibition Center
       demand surge being
       e-co mme r c e and                          Africa Food Manufacturing   age professionals are  Informa Markets – the
       consumer preference to                      (AFM), have achieved great   expected to make it to the   organizers of the event.
       opt for sustainable,                        success in  enhancing   dual shows.          The ProPak MENA confer-
       environment-friendly, and hygienic packaging. “Paper   exports and gaining new   “By concentrating our   ence, in partnership with the
       packaging is now claiming a larger share in the overall $74       resources on ProPak and Fi,   Arab Health and
       billion packaging market, and food products verticals have   global markets.
       become a major stakeholder in this growth,” says Atul Kaul,   Over 220 exhibitors,   we ensure a specialized and   Development Corporation
       Chair of Propaper Dubai 2024 Expo Forum, and Chief   including major global play-  tailored experience for par-  (ahdo), provides the process-
       Commercial Officer, Arab Paper Manufacturing Co (WARAQ),   ers Tetra Pak and Uflex Ltd.,   ticipants, addressing the spe-  ing and packaging commu-
       Saudi Arabia. Kaul says that this alternative packaging to   have confirmed their partici-  cific challenges and   nity with a variety of
       plastic is now also being preferred by pharma, personal care,   pation,  coming  from  20   opportunities in Egypt and   interesting, resourceful, and
       and cosmetics in a big way, adding to the growth prospects   countries, most notably   Africa’s packaging and ingre-  challenging topics that are
       of the paper packaging industry in the region. Against this       dients sectors,“ says   trending  in  the  industry
       backdrop, the third edition of Propaper Dubai is being hosted   China, India, and Turkey,
       from 17-19 September, 2024.                 besides the host nation.   Mostapha Khalil, Group   worldwide and presents
                                                   Over 10,000 food and bever-  Exhibition Director at   them with solutions.                                                                      May 2024 PrintWeek MENA 05
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