P. 15


      Limetree Printing expands                                                                CyanX gets GSE
                                                                                               agent in UK
      with Pro-S acquisition                                                                   and ink-handling software
                                                                                                Ink dispensing systems

                                                                                               provider GSE has appointed
                                                                                               CyanX as its agent for the UK
        Downham Market com-                                              crisps, just as an example – I   and Ireland. The agreement,
      mercial printer Limetree                                           would never expect to print   effective as of 1 July, covers
      Printing has expanded its                                          the packets, but they will   GSE’s Colorsat ink dispens-
      offering with the total acqui-                                     have maintenance tags and   ing systems for accurate and
      sition of nearby shadow                                            other printed material that   instant preparation of print-
      board and signage manufac-                                         we can produce. Just being   ing colours, and its Ink man-
      turer Pro-S UK. Inked on 21                                        able to offer everything   ager management software
      June, the deal saw Limetree                                        under one roof [alongside   suite of programs.
      buy Pro-S’ assets, IP and                                          Pro-S] is going to be a plus   Headquartered in
      order book, and take on all                                        for a lot of the customers.”  Guiseley, CyanX will provide
      of its employees, taking                                            Over the next month,   sales and after-sales service to
      Limetree to a total of 11 staff                                    Limetree will fit out Pro-S’   GSE’s label and packaging
      and around £700,000 turno-  Summers: The acquisition will open Limetree up to new markets  site, also in Downham,   customers and decor con-
      ver.                  pany, the acquisition had   boards, safety signage, and   ready to combine most of   verters.
        Wayne Summers, manag-  felt like a natural choice – as  other industrial wide-format   the two companies’ opera-  The company’s team of
      ing director and co-owner of   well as a sound business   work.    tions under one roof, with   factory-trained technicians
      Limetree, said that the   decision.           “I’ve branched into that so   Limetree’s Heidelberg four-  will provide installation, on-
      opportunity had come about   Pro-S manufactures   we can try push the print   colour and two-colour GTOs   site service, training, and
      when Pro-S’ directors   shadow boards – printed   side of our business into the  moving to the newly   valve revision services. Its
      decided to retire; being   boards to hang tools from,   internal side of the indus-  acquired site, along with the   service department also runs
      nearby, and having a good   with the outline of each tool  trial sector,” Summers told   firm’s Develop digital print-  a 24/7 telephone support hel-
      relationship with the com-  printed – as well as dry erase  Printweek. “Take Walker’s   ers; one colour, one mono.  pline.
      ‘Swiftie Steps’ installed for                                      Ivo Textiles fined

      Taylor Swift concert                                               £71,000 for pollution

                                                                          Fabric and wallpaper
        Ashford large-format firm                                        printer Ivo Textiles has been
      Graphic  Point  worked                                             ordered to pay £71,000 in
      through the night to beat a                                        damages for dumping chemi-
      tight deadline and install a                                       cals and textiles down its
      bespoke staircase graphic for                                      drains for four years.
      Taylor Swift’s Wembley                                             Prosecuted at Uxbridge
      Stadium concerts in June.At                                        Magistrates’ Court on 20
      every stage a race against the                                     May, the screen, rotary and
      clock, the job saw 90sqm of                                        digital printer was ordered to
      print installed over                                               pay £62,000 to the courts
      Wembley’s ongoing ‘Spanish                                         and £11,270 to Thames   Fined for polluting sewers
      Steps’ experiential market-  Artist Frank Styles (sitting) poses with his ‘Auras’ artwork in London  Water for legal costs.
      ing project.            The steps, printed from an  due to the level of approvals   Thames Water, which   had been putting heavy met-
        Right alongside the stair-  original artwork, ‘Auras’ cre-  required, involving stake-  brought the case against Ivo   als, ammonia, and fabric
      case, another large format   ated by artist Frank Styles in   holders such as the GLA, the   Textiles, first approached Ivo   down its drains.
      firm – West London’s   his garage, was of particular   Stadium, tour promoters   Textiles in 2022 after sam-
      Studiotwenty7 – installed 16   complexity.   AEG, and Taylor’s manage-  ples showed the firm had   When approached by
      1,500x1,000mm backlit   Giambrone     told                         been committing sewer   Printweek, Ivo Textiles’
      large-format film prints,   Printweek that thanks to   ment. The turnaround had   abuse.   board of directors shared the
      with a similarly tight turna-  scheduling constraints at   to be quick, which was chal-  After  meeting  with the   following statement: “In
      round: just four days to print   Wembley – a different con-  lenging for our small team,   water company, Ivo Textiles   March 2024, Ivo Textiles
      and install.          cert  was  due  the Sunday   especially given the time   continued to exceed the lev-  pleaded guilty to breaches of
        Claudio Giambrone,   prior – and IP-related hur-  required to secure necessary   els of waste permitted under
      Wembley Park’s head of   dles, the project was forced   permissions [for IP] – but it   its discharge consent agree-  its consent limits in relation
      marketing, oversaw the pro-  to pick up a fast pace.  was entirely worthwhile,”   ment.  to waste water discharges
      ject.                   “This project was unique   he said.         Tests found Ivo Textiles   into the public sewer.                                                                 July-August 2024 PrintWeek MENA 15
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