P. 10
Agfa wins Pinnacle Product Ban on import
of plastic bags
Awards for inkjet innovations Oman’s Ministry of
Commerce, Industry and
investment Promotion, in
Agfa, a global leader in sizes, and multiple automa- collaboration with the
inkjet printing solutions has tion options, the sturdy 3.3 m Directorate General of
been honored with four pres- UV LED hybrid Tauro inkjet Customs has enforced a ban
tigious Pinnacle Product printer is a game-changer for on importing plastic bags to
Awards, presented by high-volume display as well the country through a minis-
PRINTING United Alliance. as packaging printing. Just terial decree, which comes
Two of the winning products like the Tauro, the Grizzly into effect from 1 September,
are dedicated to the got recognized for quality 2024.
advanced automation of and productivity enhance- The announcement
high-volume print produc- ments. The Onset Grizzly emphasizes the ministry’s
tion processes on Agfa’s Jeti true flatbed printer is dedication to tackling envi-
Tauro and Onset Grizzly Agfa won the awards for its Jeti Tauro and Onset Grizzly printers designed for 24/7 printing for ronmental challenges posed
printers. They will be shown Solutions at Agfa, com- costs. We prioritize automa- the display, POP and sign by plastic waste. The regula-
markets at speeds of up to
for the first time at the mented on Agfa’s achieve- tion, versatility, and low ink 15,000 ft/h with a maximum tion covers a comprehensive
upcoming PRINTING ment: “Winning multiple consumption in our product size of 126 x 63 inch. It can be list of both biodegradable and
United Expo (Las Vegas, development. These awards automated in multiple ways: non-biodegradable plastics
10-12 September). awards once again reinforces honor the dedication and either by using a laytable or categorized under specific
The Pinnacle Product Agfa’s position as a forerun- hard work of our teams. We autoloader combined with an Harmonized System codes,
Awards celebrate outstand- ner in digital printing tech- are honored to receive this unloading robot, or by using with particular focus on
ing products that drive nology. Our inkjet solutions recognition.” two robots, be it with or with- those made from ethylene
advancements in quality, empower printing compa- Jeti Tauro H3300 UHS: out a laytable. The new polymers. Shopping bags,
capability, and productivity nies globally to broaden their With a throughput up to autoloader, coupled with an food packaging bags and gar-
within the printing industry. print application scope, 9,741 ft²/h, outstanding print unloading robot, offers full bage bags made from ethyl-
Arnaud Calleja, Vice- enhance efficiency, and quality, support for a wide automation, thus reducing ene polymers fall within its
President of Digital Printing reduce print production range of media types and labor costs. scope.
Saudi Xerox: Championing Jordan’s Fast Print
sustainability & community invests in Mimaki
The Xerox brand is synon- Fast Print, Jordan’s com-
ymous with innovation, a mercial printing and packag-
commitment to sustainabil- ing company, has invested in
ity, and an unwavering dedi- a Mimaki UJV100-160 roll to
cation to customer roll LED-UV inkjet printer as
satisfaction. At Saudi Xerox, part of its future expansion
these principles are vividly strategy. “The Mimaki UJV
demonstrated in our endur- 100-160 investment is a one Mimaki UJV100-160 roll to roll
ing partnership with the of a kind in Jordan, and opens ity, and stable operation as a
King Salman Social Center up new market opportunities UV-curable inkjet printer. In
(KSSC). The King Salman Social Center has been a beacon of hope in Riyadh for us in large format print- addition to NCU (Nozzle
This collaboration is ing, besides adding a new
founded on shared values of cial role in enhancing the nership with KSSC over the printing line to our produc- Check Unit) and NRS
innovation, compassion, quality of life for Saudi fami- past six years has been instru- tion portfolio,“ says Fast (Nozzle Recovery System)
and progress, and it under- lies through its focus on cul- mental in supporting the Print Deputy Director that automatically detects
scores our commitment not tural, social, and health center’s operational needs Adham Dababneh. missing nozzles and replaces
only to business excellence awareness. The center’s through Managed Print The Mimaki UJV100-160 the defective ones, and
but also to meaningful multifaceted programs are Services (MPS). This part- is a well-balanced entry-level MAPS4 (Mimaki Advanced
social impact. designed to empower com- model with excellent opera- Pass System4) that reduces
The King Salman Social munities, foster genera- nership extends beyond mere tional performance, image
Center has been a beacon of tional communication, and corporate responsibility, quality, speed, and cost. With banding and uneven colour
hope and empowerment in uphold the rich tapestry of embedding Saudi Xerox into two newly developed heads, printing, the UJV100-160 is
Riyadh since its establish- Islamic values and Arab tra- the fabric of Saudi commu- the UJV100-160 has pursued also equipped with the DAS
ment in 1997. It plays a cru- ditions. Saudi Xerox‘s part- nity support initiatives. high quality, high productiv- (Dot Adjustment System).
10 PrintWeek MENA July-August 2024