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        BRIEFS                                     Vara organises

       The Sharjah Agriculture
       and Li v e st oc k
       Production (Ektifa),
       affiliated with  the                        workshop in UAE
       De p ar tm ent  o f
       A g r icul t ur e and
       Livestock, has awarded                       A workshop titled
       a  contract for the                         "Elevating Graphic Designers
       installation of the Tetra
       Top packaging line at                       to the Next Level" was organ-
       the Mleiha dairy farm. This collaboration involves using the   ized by Vara, an association
       latest technologies in sustainable packaging solutions,   of graphic designers from
       which is approved by the company at Mleiha dairy farm, the   Kerala in UAE. The event fea-
       first of its kind in the UAE for organic dairy production. A
       high-level delegation from Ektifa led by Dr. Engineer Khalifa   tured renowned Branding
       Musabeh Ahmed Alteneiji, Chairman of the Department of   Specialist Ahmed Mashal,
       Agriculture and Livestock in Sharjah, and Niels Hougaard,   who discussed new methods
       Managing Director Tetra Pak Arabia Area & Tetra Pak Export,   of branding and designing.
       visited Tetra Pak’s production facility in Lund, Sweden, to
       discover the latest dairy production technologies and   Prepress and Packaging   Vara organises "Elevating Graphic Designers to the Next Level"
       sustainable packaging solutions. The visit highlighted Tetra   Specialist Sheriff Blathur
       Pak’s capabilities in sustainable dairy production, including   spoke about Pre Press &   Sindhu, Calligrapher   Jayesh, Vidya, Riaz, Unais,
       the newest processing technologies and advanced   Packaging, while Joby Joy   Khalilulla Chemmanad, and   Riaz Mallu, Nasser, Anas
       sustainable packaging solutions. Tetra Pak will also provide      Riaz Kiltan were present for   Ramzan,  Naufal
       after-sales support throughout the supply chain. The   George and Jio John Mullur
       partnership reflects the efforts of the Sharjah government.  presented on the topic of   the launch. Approximately   Perinthalmanna, Yask
                                                   Next Level Talk.      seventy designers partici-  Hassan, Mubashir, Shafnaz,
       Ble n di n g mode r n                        During the workshop, the   pated in the workshop.  Anusha, Sharif, Naufal Nak,
       technology with  the
       traditional, Dubai’s                        poster launch of Artex 2024   The workshop was led by   Firoz, Godwin, Shamnaf, and
       Roads  & Transport                          and Varyonam 2024, which   Chairman  of Vara-UAE   Shamim. These officials will
       Authority (RTA) has                         are Vara's upcoming pro-  Sajeer Green Dot, Convenor   continue to spearhead future
       launched the trial
       operation of the world’s                    grams, took place. Creative   Ansar Muhammad, and sev-  programs that will benefit
       first e le c tric abra                      Director Tonit Thomas, RJ  eral other officials including   designers.
       manufactured using 3D
       printing technology.
       With a capacity to carry 20 passengers, the modern vessel,   wallPen appoints offical Sales
       designed to retain its traditional identity, was manufactured
       by Abu Dhabi-based maritime company Al Seer Marine in
       manufacturing giant Mitsubishi provided the materials  Partner in the Middle East
       collaboration with several global companies. Japanese
       used in the manufacturing and printing of the abra,
       German technology major Siemens supervised the   wallPen is pleased to
       programming and calibration of the printer, and electric   announce KYKO Solutions
       and hybrid drives manufacturer Torqeedo supplied the   as its official sales partner
       electric motors. The Emirates Classification Society (Tasneef)   for the Middle East region.
       oversaw the manufacturing process to ensure compliance.  wallPen is an innovative
                                                   company that has developed
       The Sharjah Book
       Authority (SBA) has                         a unique technology for
       of f ici ally  ope ned                      designing vertical surfaces.
       registration for the 14th                   With wallPen, you can trans-
       edition of the annually-                    form walls, wood, glass and
       he ld Sh a r j ah                           much more into stunning   With wallPen we can transform walls, wood & glass into stunning works of art
       International Book Fair
       (SIBF) P u blis he r s                      works of art without the   wallPen can be set up in just   KYKO Solutions as an official
       Conference to be held                       need for extensive renova-  a few minutes and can be   sales partner, wallPen is well
       from 3-5 November,                          tion work.            controlled from any mobile   positioned to serve the grow-
       2024. The three-day conference serves as a lead-up to the   There are no limits to your
       highly anticipated 43rd edition of SIBF 2024. This year’s         device. KYKO Solutions has   ing market in the Middle East
       conference provides a platform for industry professionals to   designs. With a print height   an experienced team who   and Levant. KYKO Solutions
       explore the evolving challenges within the publishing world.   of up to 4 meters and unlim-  is pleased to introduce the
       Market trends, consumer preferences, and the latest   ited width, you can design   will be delighted to provide
       advancements in AI, digital publishing, and audiobooks are        you with comprehensive   innovative wallPen technol-
       some of the topics that will be discussed, ensuring the   private rooms as well as      ogy to prospective customers
       sector’s sustainability and also enabling to expand the reach   offices, hospitals, hotels,   advice on the wallPen, help   in the Middle East.
       of books to new markets and a global audience. The   kindergartens and much   you build a business case and   The company is convinced
       conference will bring together an eminent list of publishers,     answer any further ques-
       literary agents, specialists in sustainable publishing, and   more. The wallPen technol-  that wallPen will revolution-
       other industry stakeholders from around the world.  ogy is easy to operate and   tions you may have.  ize the way people design
                                                   can be used by anyone. The   With  the selection  of   their vertical spaces.                                                                 July-August 2024 PrintWeek MENA 05
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