Page 16 - PWM2024_February
P. 16


      Xerox backs new AI venture                                                     
                                                                                               eyes growth

      firm Myriad Venture Partners                                                               Direct mail platform

                                                                                      plans to scale up
                                                                                               its  US  operations  signifi-
        Myriad Venture Partners,                                          Founded by Chris Fisher,   cantly in 2024 after doubling
      an early-stage venture firm                                        the former senior vice presi-  its US revenue to $10m
      focused on AI, clean tech-                                         dent and chief strategy   (£7.9m). The North Devon-
      nology, and B2B software,                                          officer of Xerox Corporation   headquartered business,
      has launched with $100m                                            and former founder and   which has a 930sqm ware-
      (£78.5m) of initial capital                                        managing partner of Xerox   house and new 537sqm office
      commitments from inves-                                                                  space in Barnstaple, as well
      tors, including Xerox as an                                        Ventures, together with for-  as a 167sqm office in Denver,
      anchor investor.                                                   mer Xerox Ventures execu-  Colorado, said it currently
        Born out of Xerox                                                tives Tim Chiang and Dean   generates leads in the US at a
      Ventures, Myriad said it                                           Mai, Myriad said it guides   rate of four times as many as
      “brings decades of invest-                                         relevant companies to its   it does in the UK.
      ment, strategy and opera-  Xerox said it was proud to back the Myriad team  strategic and financial part-  The business has doubled
      tional expertise, and a deep   “Enhanced by our strate-  Myriad.   ners, “investing in only the   its total headcount to 72 –
      corporate and investor net-  gic network, our returns-  “Through our extensive   highest-quality businesses   including 11 people in the US
      work supporting world-class  driven investment model is   network of corporate part-  that meet its criteria for   – and is set to record an over-
      entrepreneurs shaping the  poised to significantly   ners, including our Advisory   long-term and enduring   all turnover of around
      future of business solu-  impact  the  early-stage   Council and venture capital   value creation”.  £19.5m this year.
      tions”.               startup landscape. We are   co-investor network, we cre-  Myriad’s Fund I has   The company is also aim-
        The firm is targeting  dedicated to helping found-  ate  a  mutually-beneficial        ing to offer “more of a pro-
      investor commitments of  ers pioneer the next genera-  cycle of value and access that   already backed 14 AI, clean   grammatic solution” that
      $200m for Fund I. Myriad’s  tion of business solutions in   yields real returns for our   tech, and B2B software com-  incorporates SMS and email,
      Advisory Council features  areas including AI, B2B soft-  strategic and financial part-  panies. Other investments   with  automated  journeys
      corporate partners Xerox  ware and clean tech,” said   ners and portfolio compa-  are LinkSquares, Anvilogic,   configurable from its plat-
      and HCLTech.          Chris Fisher, co-founder of   nies alike.”   and Mojave Energy Systems.  form.
      Roland’s VersaObject MO-24                                         Aztec Signs rolls out

      & workflow software                                                new EFI Pro

        Roland DG has launched                                            Aztec Signs has begun
      the latest entry in its                                            production with a new EFI
      VersaObject series for 3D                                          Pro 32r+ UV-LED roll-to-
      substrates, the MO-240, as                                         roll printer installed in
      well as its own proprietary                                        December. The 3.2m,
      work f low sof t w a re.                                           1,200dpi single or dual roll
      Launched on 11 January, the                                        printer, installed with
      610x458mm flatbed press is                                         optional Y-axis slitter, is
      capable  of  printing  on                                          now in full production on   New EFI Pro 32r+ UV-LED printer
      objects up to 204mm high or                                        textile and flexible media   roll machine for it.”
      cylindrical objects up to                                          work at Aztec’s Leeds fac-
      121mm in diameter with the   MO-240 has 8 colour channels for a gamut 20% larger than CMYK  tory. The firm, which pro-  The Pro 32r+ now sits
      optional rotary axis add-on.   wider than CMYK and is  software on 11 January. The   duces mainly trade work in a   alongside Aztec’s EFI Vutek
      Operating at 2.07sqm/hr in   suitable for printing on plas-  cloud-based software is   70/30 split, made the invest-  h3 hybrid press, which was
      standard mode, the MO-240   tic, paper, leather, wood,  designed to streamline   ment to support the growth   also bought through sup-
      can produce gloss or matt   and, with primer, glass and  workflows for printers deal-  it has seen in its flexible sig-  plier CMYUK.
      finishes and textures,   metal.The MO-240 has  ing with a wide range of   nage business over the past   The  two  EFI  machines
      including 3D embossed   already  found  a  UK sale,  media, products, and data.   two years.  have given the eight-staff
      effects, with Roland’s EUV5   through Roland dealer  It converts printing data   Christopher Jameson, co-
      inks.                  PrintMax, with Maidstone’s  into pre-registered fixture   owner at Aztec, told   operation significant head-
        The ink set, which   Aford Awards placing an  layout data, assigns print   Printweek: “We’re doing an   room to grow, backed as
      includes orange, red, white   order the day of release.  jobs to operators, and con-  awful lot more wallpapers   they are by Kongsberg and
      and gloss alongside CMYK,   Roland also launched its  n e c t s to R o l a n d ’s   and flexible skins now, and   Zund  cutters  and  several
      has a gamut around 20%   PrintAutoMate workflow  VersaWorks 6 RIP software  needed a dedicated roll-to-  other HP printers.
      16  PrintWeek MENA February 2024                                                   
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