Page 20 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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      UPM Raflatac and Corning                                                                 Bobst holds
                                                                                               open day in UK
      advance sustainability                                                                   penetration into the UK’s
                                                                                                Bobst is targeting deeper

                                                                                               narrow and mid web mar-
                                                                                               ket after hosting an open
        UPM Raflatac and                                                 ing that Corning and UPM   house event at its newly
      Corning Pharmaceutical                                             Raflatac products pairing   renovated facility in
      Technologies, a division of                                        can hold up in tough envi-  Redditch. The Bobst Label
      Corning Incorporated, have                                         ronments. In particular, the   and Packaging Technology
      today announced the                                                labels demonstrated satis-  Open Day 2025, held in late
      results of a collaborative                                         factory adhesion across var-  January, provided an oppor-
      study showing that a combi-                                        ious wrap angles and   tunity for the machinery
      nation of the two compa-                                           storage conditions applied   manufacturer to highlight
      nies’ products performs                                            in pharma packaging.  the full scope of its capabili-
      well in various challenging                                         ‘We greatly appreciate   ties for narrow and mid web
      drug product storage condi-                                        UPM Raflatac’s expertise in   printing.
      tions and offers significant                                       label technology and its rig-  Printers and supplier
      sustainability benefits.  The two companies released the results of a collaborative study  orous methods in demon-  partners learned about
        Such performance is vital   teams from both companies   Vials, made of externally   strating the effectiveness of   Bobst’s technologies for
      to the safety and integrity of   combined pharmaceutical   coated Type I borosilicate   labeling for our shared   labels and flexible packag-
      pharmaceutical products   primary packaging and   glass, and UPM Raflatac’s   pharma customers,’ said   ing production. This
      and aligns with industry   labeling. The pairings were   Forest Film labels, along-  Jessica Buday, product line   focused on the Master M6,
      needs for durable and   tested at room temperature,   side Pharmagloss and   manager for Corning   an automated flexo line
      dependable packaging. In   dry heat, tropical and cryo-  Pharmalite downgauged   Velocity Vials and Viridian   designed for short-run mid-
      the collaborative study con-  genic storage conditions.  paper options.   Vials at Corning   web flexible packaging
      ducted at UPM Raflatac’s   The combinations   The product combina-  Pharmaceutical       printing but which has been
      North  Carolina  facility,   included Corning Viridian   tions performed well, show-  Technologies.  widely adopted for labels.
      NextGen Label Group announces  TLMI opens 2025-2026

      new CFO                                                            scholarship program

        NextGen Label Group has                                           TLMI has launched its
      appointed Andrew Horvath                                           2025-2026 academic and
      as chief financial officer and                                     vocational scholarship pro-
      president of its Van Alstine                                       gram, offering financial sup-
      division. Horvath will take on                                     port to students pursuing
      his role effective April 1,                                        careers in the label, packag-
      2025. He will replace Dan                                          ing and printing industry.
      Rosenbaum, who has been                                            Scholarships are available for
      promoted to president and                                          students in two-year, four-
      CEO of the company.  This                                          year and vocational degree   TLMI Scholarship 2025-2026
      planned leadership transi-                                         programs. TLMI will award   of TLMI board members,
      tion reflects NextGen Label’s                                      scholarships of up to 5,000   corporate owners and CEOs
      continued commitment to                                            USD.
      excellence, employee stock   The company appoints Andrew Horvath as chief financial officer  To be eligible, applicants   are not eligible. Applicants
      ownership plan (ESOP) val-  Horvath served in various   his dual role, Horvath will   must demonstrate interest in   must also have completed at
      ues, and long-term growth.  leadership roles at KPMG,   lead Van Alstine while driv-  employment within the tag,   least one semester of college;
        Horvath joined the com-  most recently as senior man-  ing the financial strategy and   label and/or package printing   high school students are not
      pany earlier this year as vice   ager - audit.   performance of NextGen   industry. Major coursework   eligible now.
      president of finance. A certi-  In the role, he provided   Label Group. With his back-  must include relevant sub-  This scholarship program
      fied public accountant (CPA)   strategic guidance to clients   ground in managing complex   jects such as management,   is designed to support the
      with a Bachelor of Science in  in manufacturing, chemicals   audits, technical accounting   sales/marketing, production
      accounting from Siena   and consumer goods, devel-  projects, and strategic finan-  and graphic communica-  industry’s future workforce
                                                   cial planning, the company
      College, he has more than 15  oping expertise in financial   aims to drive financial excel-  tions. A minimum GPA of   by providing financial assis-
      years of experience in public   reporting, US GAAP compli-  lence and ensure the long-  3.00 is required, and appli-  tance to students committed
      accounting. Before joining   ance, internal controls, and   term stability and growth of   cants must submit their aca-  to building a career in this
      NextGen Label Group,   mergers and acquisitions. In   NextGen Label Group.  demic transcripts. Relatives   evolving field.
      20 PrintWeek MENA February 2025                                                   
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