Page 24 - PWM2025_February Ebook
P. 24


      In the pursuit

      of expansion

      A business can grow in one of several ways, chief of
      which is expansion by acquisition or merger. Many
      such transactions work out for the good. However,
      a good number fail and do so miserably, by Adam
      Bernstein                   disputes, regulatory scrutiny, or even
      I                           thinks that one of the most effective
           ndeed, M&A Community
           wrote in April of this year  financial liabilities for a buyer”. He
           (2024) that around 90% fail.
                                  ways to lower the risks is through
           And it listed a number of high-
           profile examples – AT&T and  good due diligence.
           Time Warner in 2018 at a
                                    Collier says due diligence involves
      value of $85bn, Microsoft and Nokia  a comprehensive assessment of a
      in 2014 at a value of $7.2bn, and   business or its assets to establish
      Daimler-Benz and Chrysler in 1998  value and uncover potential liabili-
      valued at $36bn.            ties; such investigations can cover
        For the world of print, on a smaller   commercial, financial and legal
      scale, we can point to the businesses   issues.
      linked to Darren McMurray and the   He says “The process typically
      PFI Group. As Printweek noted in   includes an in-depth review of finan-
      May: “McMurray’s calamitous acqui-  cial records, contracts, regulatory
      sition spree has resulted in the failure   compliance, and operational capabil-
      of a raft of signage businesses, with   ities. The scope of the exercise can
      creditors left owed millions of   vary based on the transaction’s   She recommends “looking at financial health with a detailed review of
      pounds.”                    nature, the size of the companies   financial statements, liabilities, and cashflow. Then consider cultural com-
        Then in October, Printweek wrote   involved, and their respective sec-  patibility and assess whether the two organisations’ cultures and manage-
      of the sad closure of family-owned of   tors.”            ment styles align”.
      Northwolds Richardson Group   Of course, mergers can fail for   Next, she would consider operational fit and in so doing, checking how
      which went under as a result of the   numerous reasons. Even so, Andrew   well the systems, processes, and technology will integrate.
      effects of Covid-19 and rising energy   Brown, a partner in Corporate   Allied to this is the necessary legal and regulatory compliance which, as
      costs, despite the acquisition of a   Commercial at Myerson, reckons   she says, will “ensure that there are no hidden liabilities or compliance
      local competitor to improve the over-  that one of the top causes is a lack of   issues”.
      all order book.             due diligence.                  Then she recommends looking at talent retention which means “identi-
                                    He considers that “the mantra for
      The causes of failure       any buyer when it comes to acquiring   fying key personnel and strategies to retain them post-merger”.
        Robert Collier, a partner at VWV,   another business is ‘buyer beware’”.  Lastly, Summers would tackle strategic alignment to ensure that “the
      knows that corporate transactions   He says: “Without a full due dili-  target aligns with long-term corporate strategy and will create meaningful
      are often “inherently complex” and   gence exercise, there is an obvious   synergies”.
      can involve “substantial financial and   and significant risk the buyer’s vision   Integration is the goal and on this Brown considers that the acquisition is
      legal commitments for the buyer”.  for the future of the target business   very much a first step in the process. As he says: “An important part of mak-
        He says that whether it’s a merger,   may not be realisable due to issues it   ing the acquisition a success is the process of integrating the target business
      acquisition, or joint venture, “these   has not been made aware of.”  into the buyer’s existing operations. This may entail implementing practi-
      deals can offer significant rewards   Here Freya Summers, a partner in   cal changes as well as making internal policies and procedures uniform
      when executed properly”. However,   the corporate department of Wright   across the enlarged operation.” By this he means combining offices, bring-
      he comments that “there are poten-  Hassall, offers a potted guide as to   ing in a new management team, integrating IT systems, financial/
      tial pitfalls that could lead to costly   what to look for before proceeding.  accounts, HR, and terms of trade.

      24 PrintWeek MENA February 2025                                                   
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