Page 11 - PWM2024_MARCH EBOOK
P. 11


      Mimaki attends inaugural FESPA ME

        Danna Drion, General                                             see all we are getting   enough action yet. People
      Manager (Marketing) and                                            requests on 3D; for instance,   talk about it as a loss. But if
      Marc Verbeem of Mimaki                                             there’s a big technology hub   you actually come to the
      Europe B.V. had an exclu-                                          here developing in Dubai,   local print shop is not really
      sive conversation with                                             Saudi Arabia, we see that,   convinced yet that it’s going
      PrintWeek MENA during                                              and we have the innovations
      the FESPA Middle East                                              and the machinery for the   to that he has to do some-
      2024 event in Dubai. Danna                                         technology.           thing. Not everybody did.
      Drion said: “We had a very                                          “At Mimkai, we are   There are companies com-
      busy show, a lot of building                                       always early adopters. If you  pletely they care about their
      new relationships with cus-                                        look back over the last 20   recycling and stuff like that.
      tomers and prospects, and it                                       years, we have always been   But there are still loads of
      was great to see so much   “It was great to see so much interest for our products”: Mimaki  the first one when it comes   companies that say, oh,
      interest in this region for our   right away. So that is a trend  that is also the reason why   to certain technologies. Hey,
      products and innovations.   that we see moving, and as   we think from a business   if we’re talking about UV   throw this away. I don’t, I
      Being at the event with our   you know, we have a few   point of view, this could be   report, talking about 3D, we   don’t really care. So we’ve
      partners and distributors   products for that.  this is not an emerging mar-  are always trying to be aim-  tried to give that message to
      allowed us to enrich our   “I think also if you look   ket anymore, this will   ing the number one intro-  the West and say that it is
      partnerships and to work   into the markets, this region  become a really established   ducing new technologies.   important that we all have
      together on this great show,   is really upcoming. We see a  market. We see a lot of   You saw our newest idea   to take our share in every-
      and we’re looking forward to   lot of potential, also   potential. If you look into   about circularity sustainabil-  thing. Not only the the
      the future.           together, of course made our   what kind of specific cus-  ity.    printing world, also the rest
        “Here we basically saw a   partners here we have a long   tomers of course we see tra-  “If you look at sustainabil-
      mix of customers. We also   heritage already with our  ditional but also banking,   ity, it’s like we discussed   of the rest of all the indus-
      see a movement into more   distributors, been our new   investment bankers, and   before, it’s a hot topic. So   tries to take a share in the
      UV, where people say that   partners. We do a lot of busi-  also traditional industry.   everybody talks about it. But   sustainability and become
      no more lamination works   ness development here. And  There’s also a trend here we  a lot of times, we don’t take   more sustainable. “
      “Canon has always been keen to attend big events like FESPA”

        The inaugural FESPA                                                      product will push the bound-  hesitate to participate
      Middle East 2024 exhibition                                        aries of photography to dif-  always. If the brand is not
      connected senior decision-                                         ferent levels, but we cannot   there, customers will always
      makers from print and sig-                                         announce it today.    question why such a big
      nage businesses with leading                                        “Canon is a very big name   brand is nothing. And we
      OEM suppliers and distribu-                                        in the region when it comes   don’t want this question to
      tors. On their participation,
      Shadi Bakhour, B2B                                                 to printing when it comes to   come at the flick of the
      Business Unit Director,                                            printing presses solutions   moment in any mind of any
      Canon  Middle  East,  said:                                        office solutions and so on.   customer. Customers, after
      “The beauty about the show                                         For any customers and for   all, need new technology,
      is that it’s in the Middle East.                                   any client who visits such a   new ideas, new applica-
      We were in big favour of par-  “The beauty about the show is that it happens in the Middle East”  big event as best and the rest   tions, because the dynamics
      ticipating in this event. The   we are introducing the pack-  on wood printing on furni-  of the exhibitions that takes   of the industry is changing
      best part of it is that it’s hap-  aging solutions for packag-     place throughout the year,   rapidly. And at a very fast
      pening in our region. We all                 ture. So this is the second   they will definitely look   pace. If we just think about
      can see how important is   ing on demand. In addition   one, and the third one is
      this market to have a show   to customized packaging, in   photography.   around for candidate. So it’s   how to make the profit,
      like this. We are showcasing   addition, we are demonstrat-  “We are launching a new   all very evident and very   without thinking of how to
      here three different solu-  ing interior decor.                    important for us to always   contribute to the markets
      tions. Number one is the   Wallpaper signages and the   product as well, we are going   participate in such mega   we are ends, then it’s not a
      packaging. And the first time   printing on metal printing   to unveil it very soon. This   events with events. We don’t   good strategy.”

                                                                     March 2024 PrintWeek MENA 11
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