Page 13 - PWM2025_February Ebook
P. 13
BGM reveals new 22’’ label First Jetfire
slitter-rewinder first European customers for
Heidelberg has named the
its Jetfire sheetfed inkjet
press, with the inaugural
Bar Graphic Machinery and a half million pounds on
(BGM) will launch a new a 22’’ press – but unless you installation set to be up and
550mm (22’’) inspection can finish it [at that width], running in Switzerland by
slitter rewinder for self- the end of March.
adhesive labels at the end of and get your labels out, Family firm Gremper will
March. The 300m/min what’s the point?” install the world’s first
550iSR is aimed at printers Many of the existing Jetfire 50 B3 device at its fac-
looking to expand into wider 550mm-wide label finishing tory in Pratteln, and is also
label web widths, and will machines in the market, i n s t a l l i n g a n e w
offer a more economical including BGM’s own Speedmaster XL 106 in an
alternative to the firm’s pre- It reaches up to 300m/min rewind speeds at widths of 550mm eight-colour perfecting con-
mium servo-driven 550m/ set against industry presses by giving them a Multiflex model, are servo- figuration, with coater.
min, 550mm-wide Multiflex [prices],” he said. stepping stone into wider driven to accommodate flex- Chairman Karl Gremper
multiple substrate slitter “You can’t get a 22’’ finishing widths. ible substrates. said the business switched
rewinder. machine for that value “We did our due diligence The 550iSR is not, how- plans to install an alternative
BGM sales manager unless you buy from China.” and went out into the mar- ever, and while BGM is keep- digital device after seeing
Daniel Carr told Printweek Designed and built in- ket, and I think printers are ing tight-lipped about the the Jetfire when it was
he was looking forward to house at BGM’s Bradford going to receive [the launched at Drupa, with
introducing it to the market. facility, the 550iSR was 550iSR] with open arms,” exact design, its build makes hybrid production and inte-
“It has been purposefully developed to help printers Carr said. it suitable for standard self- gration with the Prinect
designed as a cost-effective make the jump to wider, “A lot of people won’t adhesive stocks, while cut- workflow a key benefit for
solution for label finishing, more productive label think twice spending two ting the cost significantly. the business.
HP unveils two new PageWide OneVision appoints
web presses Franklin for UK
HP has revealed two new Software manufacturer
PageWide presses that are OneVision has taken on Paul
said to deliver productivity, Franklin as its new regional
quality, and versatility in the sales director for the UK/
direct mail, general commer- Ireland region and
cial, and book publishing seg- Scandinavia.
ments. Franklin has over 30
The PageWide Web Press years’ experience in the
T4250 HDR and PageWide printing industry. His
Web Press T500M HD are The T4250 HDR is a new flagship 42-inch (1.06m) web press appointment has given Paul Franklin for UK and Ireland
industrial presses that use Regensburg, Germany-
HP’s Thermal Inkjet technol- delivers a duty cycle of 173 said the benefits of its ther- headquartered OneVision together. At OneVision we
ogy. million A4 (or 184 million mal inkjet technology someone on the ground in see the power of automation
The T4250 HDR is a new US letter-size) full-colour include 8x nozzle redun- the UK/Ireland region. He addressing some of the con-
flagship 42-inch (1.06m) images per month. HP said dancy, user replaceable started in the role on 3 cerns that many print busi-
web press that offers up to its recirculating technology printheads, automated web- January. ness have witnessed over
twice the productivity of its prints “offset-level vibrancy wipe cassettes, and on-press Franklin has previously recent times. “Addressing
predecessor, the HP with captivating hues and colour profiling. worked for companies environmental concerns,
PageWide T485 HD, on “the incredible print consist- Keeping environmental including Konica Minolta, labour shortages and a need
most challenging jobs”, ency”. sustainability in mind, the Kongsberg Precision to steer clients to a more
resulting in 20,000 B1 duplex Combined with HP T4250 HDR uses HP Cutting Systems, Scodix, automated and efficient ser-
sheets and over 200,000 let- Optimizer, the press is able Brilliant B70 ink, which has and Domino. vice sees OneVision at the
ter-sized duplex colour pages to maintain high speed and low VOCs and reduces dry- He told Printweek: “We forefront of change. We ena-
per hour. quality on coated and ing time, with up to 50% less see a trend and an exciting ble clients to be in 100%
At full performance mode uncoated media with weights energy use than that of the opportunity to explore the control of their workflows
press speed, this machine ranging from 40-350gsm. HP T485 HD. industry’s challenges and production processes. February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 13