Page 14 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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BBD&P Awards
Linney sticks with Iridesse for in London
digital refresh The Folio Society was a big
winner at the British Book
Design & Production
Linney has refreshed the Iridesse, as it opens new cre- Awards.
digital printing setup at its ative possibilities for their The BPIF-supported event
Quadrant business with a clients.”
new Xerox Iridesse. was held earlier this week at
Quadrant is based in Mansfield-headquartered the De Vere Connaught
Hertford and offers a range Linney posted sales up just Rooms in London.
of high quality creative and over 10% at £128.2m in its The theme was ‘Finish’ to
printing services to agencies most recent financial year, to mark the final stages of book
and brands. It typically 28 April 2024, and employed production when all the
serves clients located in work involved comes
London and South East more than 1,200 people. together in a finished prod-
England. Separately, the group is uct. BPIF CEO Charles
The new Iridesse Linney: mission is to stay ahead of industry trends gearing up for the installation Jarrold opened the evening
Production Press was four-, five- and six-colour with our mission to stay of the world’s first Fujifilm- and lauded the enduring
installed before Christmas. printing as standard. It can ahead of industry trends and Barberán HS6000 single- appeal of printed books: “I’m
Linney director Charles produce work using metal- deliver exceptional results delighted to say in an age
Linney said it was a replace- lic, clear and white toners in across all our print solu- pass inkjet press, which can where digital content sur-
ment for the firm’s older a single pass. tions,” he said. run at up to 6,000sqm/hr and
model, which made every- Linney said the digital Kevin O’Donnell, Xerox handle materials up to 1.7m rounds us, the printed book
thing very straightforward in press represented a six-fig- UK and Ireland head of mar- wide. Construction of a new not only endures, but it really
terms of familiarity with the ure spend for the group and keting for Graphic building that will house the does thrive.
device, its operation and was an important part of Communications, com- Continental and Far East
Fiery-based frontend. Quadrant’s creative produc- mented: “We are excited to press is currently underway printers also featured among
The Xerox Iridesse runs at tion offering. see the incredible work at Linney’s 35-acre supersite the winning production
up to 120ppm and offers “This investment aligns Linney will produce with the in Mansfield. houses.
Knockout Print ups the cut FaberExposize gets
with Vivid Veloblade install Colorado M5W
Kent-based digital and Leeds wide-format spe-
wide-format specialist cialist FaberExposize UK
has installed a brand-new
Knockout Print has
Canon Colorado M5W
installed a brand-new 1.6m UV printer, helping
2.5x1.6m Vivid Veloblade the firm target specialty and
Nexus 2516 at its Matfield short-run jobs. Installed at
facility, east of Tunbridge the end of January, the roll-
Wells. Following the cutter’s to-roll M5W comes with Canon Colorado M5W printer
arrival in October, the team five print channels in
has already used it for a wide CMYKW UV gel inks, ing a machine that is a little
variety of substrates, includ- Knockout has been experimenting with different applications allowing for bright, tex- bit more agile for smaller
print runs has really
ing vinyl, e-flute boxes, amount of things you can do much smaller, basic cutting tured prints, with which strengthened our offering,
paper-over-board, and with all the different tools – machines – but this is next FaberExposize will experi- and will make us more effi-
Dibond, using the machine’s but bit by bit we are finding level,” Paull said. ment over the coming cient in production,”
set of sold-as-standard tools. our feet with it.” He added that Vivid had The 1.6m engine, bought FaberExposize managing
“It’s early days, but it’s So far, Paull has had one been enormously helpful in from Canon partner director Iain Clasper-Cotte
brilliant,” Knockout Print operator out of Knockout’s setting the team up with the CMYUK, has joined the told Printweek.
managing director Ian Paull five-strong team trained up new machine, even doing print firm’s fleet of larger Clasper-Cotte explained
told Printweek. “It’s a very on the Nexus, who will act some cutting for Knockout 3.2m machines, including that FaberExposize has
versatile piece of kit, more as an “anchor man”, helping at the Vivid factory while Agfa Jeti Tauro 650sqm/hr increasingly been experi-
UV press.
versatile than anything cross-train the rest of the the company got financing “Most of our machines menting with new media like
we’ve ever had given the team. “We’ve dabbled with in place. are big, hairy ones, so hav- board and acrylics.
14 PrintWeek MENA February 2025