Page 9 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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Desert Sign attends FESPA ME
FESPA Middle East, the it an ideal choice for modern industry trends and techno-
region’s leading event for signage applications. logical advancements.
the global speciality print “These innovations help
and signage industries, took businesses achieve higher Moreover, FESPA Middle
place at the Dubai visibility and sustainability East 2025 provided a perfect
Exhibition Centre from 20 – while reducing operational stage to reinforce our com-
22 January 2025. costs. Our team of experts mitment to innovation and
Waqas Sabir, CEO of provided live demonstra- customer satisfaction.
Desert Sign Trading LLC tions, answered queries, and
told PrintWeek MENA: offered personalized consul- “FESPA Middle East 2025
“Our experience at FESPA tations to help attendees offered a glimpse into the
Middle East 2025 was explore the best solutions latest trends and technolo-
incredibly positive and a “FESPA Middle East offered numerous exciting opportunities” for their needs. gies shaping the future of
resounding success, high- level of engagement and the across the Middle East, Gulf, “The second edition of
lighting the growing signifi- quality of attendees. and Africa. At FESPA FESPA Middle East offered the printing and signage
cance of the Middle Eastern Additionally, during the Middle East 2025, we numerous exciting opportu- industry. FESPA Middle
market in the global print conference sessions, we actively engaged with visi- nities. With a significant East 2025 offered a glimpse
industry. observed a strong focus on tors through various interac- increase in visitors, we were into the latest trends and
“ The event provided a sustainability, with discus- tive activities. able to expand our reach
dynamic platform to con- sions on tackling climate “Additionally, we intro- across the Middle Eastern, technologies shaping the
nect with industry profes- change and enhancing social duced cutting-edge digital future of the printing and
sionals, showcase our latest responsibility to enrich lives and LED solutions for sig- Gulf, and African markets. signage industry. The event
innovations, and gain valua- and create a better world. nage, displays, and large- The event also allowed us to demonstrated how the
ble insights into the evolving “FESPA Middle East 2025 format graphics. Our latest build valuable relationships
landscape of printing and has undoubtedly reinforced LED technology enhances with potential customers industry is evolving rapidly,
signage. We were particu- its position as a leading energy efficiency, bright- and partners while gaining setting the stage for future
larly impressed by the high event for the print industry ness, and durability, making key insights into the latest growth and innovation.”
Wellcare Advertising displays Roll Cutters from Summa
More than 3,400 visits attraction of many. We had Maktoum, welcomed high-
from over 2,700 industry invited all our existing cus- level decision makers from
professionals from 80 coun- tomers to avail the special the UAE, Saudi Arabia,
tries attended the second price for all our machines. Oman, Kuwait, Qatar,
edition of FESPA Middle We were able to exhibit the Egypt, Jordan, India and
East, the region’s leading full range of solutions for the
event for the global special- advertising and signage China, amongst others,
ity print and signage indus- industry. FESPA was a fan- where they had the opportu-
tries, which took place at the tastic chance to engage with nity to witness over 100
Dubai Exhibition Centre cutting-edge printing tech- exhibiting companies, a
from 20 – 22 January. Mani nologies, car wrapping, year-on-year increase of 8%,
N, Managing Director, attend informative semi- with more than 200 brands
Wellcare Advertising nars, and network with being showcased.
Solutions LLC, in a conver- “We had displayed different models of Roll Cutters from Summa” other industry leaders. It’s One of the major trends at
sation with PrintWeek and discuss trends shaping We had displayed different usually a great platform to this year’s exhibition was
MENA, explained: “FESPA the future of the advertising models of the Roll Cutters exchange knowledge and get the increase in direct-to-
is known for being a major industry. It was the 2nd from Summa. The Keundo inspired about new opportu-
gathering for the print, sig- nities and solutions.” film (DTF) technology,
nage, and textile industries. Edition this year in Middle UV Printer with Fluorescent The event, which was offi- which involves printing
It offers a unique opportu- East. Our association with Inks, 3D Embossing and cially opened by His design directly onto a film
nity for professionals to con- Summa, Belgium was one of Foiling was another Highness Sheikh Hasher bin and then transferring it to a
nect, explore innovations, the highlights of the event. machine that captured the Maktoum bin Juma Al t-shirt or other material. February 2025 PrintWeek MENA 09