Page 4 - PWM2025_February Ebook
P. 4

NEWS        UAE

        BRIEFS                                     Epson opens Middle

       Silver Star Printing
       Materials Trading LLC, on
       17 January 2025, held
       their  first corporate                      East Innovation Centre
       meeting of the year at the
       Novotel Sharjah Expo
       Centre. The event was                        Epson, a global technology
       made even more elegant                      leader, has officially opened
       and  vibrant by the                         its state-of-the-art Innovation
       participation of their valuable Directors, along with all the   Centre at Dubai Production
       Managers from the UAE, Qatar, and Oman. The meeting saw   City, part of TECOM Group
       the launch of their luxury paper, ZETA, which was unveiled by   PJSC. Showcasing Epson’s
       their directors - Jaison Karerakkattil, Jomon Karerakkattil, and   latest technology solutions
       Jaison Valiyaveettil. Additionally, they introduced their new   with a mission to reimagine
       line of T-shirts and catalogues, marking a significant   how technology contributes
       milestone for the company. Silverstar Printing Materials   to a better future, the Centre
       Trading LLC was established in 1996 and has stood the test of
       time, providing high-quality products to all our customers for   reflects the company’s vision   State-of-the-art Innovation Centre at Dubai Production City
       over two decades. Silver Star is one of the largest printing   for industry sustainability
       material trading companies in the UAE. In October 2024, Silver   and innovation.The opening   Commercial at TECOM  play, manufacturing, and
       Star, MyCordenons, and Sona Papers hosted MyCordenons   ceremony was attended by   Group; Majed Al Suwaidi,   lifestyle solutions. The
       Doha Night at Le Royal Meridien, Place Vendôme, Lusail, Qatar.   Yasunori Ogawa, President   Senior Vice President of   regional hub will enable cus-
       The evening marked the grand debut of four luxury specialty   and Representative Director,   Dubai  Media  City,  Dubai   tomers and partners to con-
       papers from MyCordenons, Italy.             CEO of Seiko Epson    Production City, and Dubai   tribute local insights into the
                                                   Corporation; Neil     Studio City at TECOM   design and development of
       The Paper & Tissue Show                     Colquhoun, President of   Group, as well as numerous   next-generation technologies
       2025 was held last month                    Epson META-CWA; Abdulla   UAE dignitaries, customers   by providing a direct connec-
       at the Abu Dhabi National                                         and partners.         tion between the team on the
       Exhibition Centre (ADNEC),                  Belhoul, Chief Executive
       bringing together industry                  Officer of TECOM Group;   Epson’s Innovation Centre   ground and Epson’s research
       leaders from across the                     Ammar Al Malik, Executive  will spearhead advances in   and development (R&D)
       globe. With an impressive                   Vice President of     printing, scanning, visual dis-  centres in Japan.
       turnout from over 120+
       countries, the show set the tone for an exciting and impactful   Canon launches 'World Unseen'
       event. The highlights included: A vibrant exhibition floor
       featuring cutting-edge innovations in paper, tissue, hygiene,
       leaders discussed opportunities and challenges for 2025. A  at Sikka Art & Design Festival
       and packaging,MENA Pulp Week Summit, where industry
       brand-new feature this year, the Supermarket Zone, provided
       an exclusive platform for showcasing the latest retail-ready   Canon, in partnership
       packaging solutions, private label tissue brands, and   with Dubai Culture & Arts
       innovative hygiene products tailored for major retailers,   Authority (Dubai Culture)
       supermarkets, and wholesalers. This dedicated section   and Kalimat Foundation,
       attracted high-profile buyers.              has announced the launch of
                                                   its groundbreaking "World
       Dubai  Lynx, MENA’s                         Unseen" exhibition at the Al
       leading platform for                        Shindagha Historic District
       creative excellence and                     during the Sikka Art &
       effectiveness,  has                         Design Festival. Under the
       announced its 2025 Jury                                           This immersive exhibition transcends traditional visual boundaries
       line-up.   This year,                       patronage of Her Highness
       agencies and networks                       Sheikha Latifa bint   improve accessibility and  viduals with special needs,
       making their Jury debut include Design Bridge and Partners,   Mohammed bin Rashid Al   inclusivity in the visual arts  including the visually
       Momentum Worldwide and 21GRAMS, Part of Real Chemistry.   Maktoum, Chairperson of   community and comes at a   impaired, in collaboration
       Esteemed brands and companies such as BUCK and Joe Public   Dubai Culture, the festival   strategic time as the UAE   with  the  Kalimat
       will also be represented on the Juries for the first time,   will run from January 31 to   celebrates 2025 as the ‘Year  Foundation. These work-
       highlighting a growing diversity of perspectives and expertise.   February 9, 2025.  of Community.’  shops will be exclusively
       Jurors confi from 28 markets, including Croatia for the first    This immersive exhibi-   Education and commu-  designed for participants
       time, will come together in Dubai  benchmark creative   tion transcends traditional   nity engagement are at the   with  visual  impairments,
       excellence across the region. Philip Thomas, chairman, Dubai   visual boundaries, offering   heart of Canon’s presence at  allowing  them  to  engage
       Lynx, said, "The Dubai Lynx Awards represent the spirit of        Sikka this year, going   with photography in an
       creativity and innovation that drives the MENA region forward.   people with  sight  loss a
       Our Jurors play a pivotal role in upholding these values,   multi-sensory journey that   beyond just exhibition par-  accessible and meaningful
       bringing their unparalleled expertise and unique perspectives   reimagines how we connect   ticipation. For the first time,   way. Canon Academy will
       to the judging process.                     with images. Canon’s World   Canon is introducing spe-  also offer a series of photog-
                                                   Unseen exhibition aims to   cialized workshops for indi-  raphy classes.
      04 PrintWeek MENA February 2025                                                   
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