Page 6 - PWM2025_February Ebook
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Strong attendance at Conference in
inaugural GPP in Riyadh BOBST in collaboration
with Esko, the Belgium-
based global provider of inte-
The inaugural edition of confidence in, the Saudi grated software and
Gulf Print & Pack Saudi Arabian printing and packag- hardware solutions for the
Arabia, the Middle East’s ing sector. There are encour- labels and packaging indus-
leading commercial print aging signs for this platform try, and NDigitec, the UAE-
and packaging trade show, in the Kingdom for major based innovative media
held recently at Riyadh Front brands to showcase cutting- production firm, hosted ‘The
Exhibition Conference edge technologies, foster val- Future of Packaging
Center (RFECC), marked a uable connections, and drive Empowered by Saudi Vision
significant milestone for the the industry forward.” said 2030’. The conference was
Kingdom’s printing and Barry Killengrey, Event held on 15 January, 2025 at
packaging industry, bringing Director, Gulf Print & Pack. Holiday Inn Riyadh The
together more than 5,052 Saudi-based Alkhorayef Business District, bringing
visitors from 54 countries. GPP Saudi Arabia had more than 5,052 visitors from 54 countries Printing Solutions, in collab- together the biggest players
The exhibition featured over From high-speed digital the event, highlighting their oration with MTEX NS, in the Saudi Arabian packag-
150 leading exhibitors and presses and advanced pack- commitment to the Saudi showcased cutting-edge digi- ing and printing industry.
thousands of industry profes- aging solutions to Arabian market and the tal printing and packaging This exclusive seminar
sionals from Saudi Arabia, AI-powered workflow region’s growing print and solutions. Ahmed Samy brought together the three
UAE, Egypt, Kuwait, Qatar, streamlining tools, the event packaging sector. Eltantawy, Senior Sales industry leaders, offering
China, Bahrain, Jordan, provided a comprehensive “We are overwhelmed by Director, at Alkhorayef, said: unparalleled insights into
India, and Germany. overview of the industry’s the response to the inaugural “It was an exciting event for strategies shaping the future
GPP 2025 in Riyadh pro- future direction. Major edition of GPP in Saudi us to attend, providing us of packaging in alignment
vided a tailored platform for industry players, including Arabia. The attendance and with a great platform to with Saudi Vision 2030. The
the latest advancements in Konica Minolta, BOBST, participation from leading showcase our latest technolo- event saw inspiring presenta-
printing and packaging tech- Ricoh, NDIGITEC, Canon, industry players is a testa- gies to serve the regional sec- tions from industry pioneers,
nologies. and Fujifilm participated in ment to the potential of, and tor.” interactive discussions.
ProPak Asia - 11 to14 June Edita signs a new
2025 at BITEC, Bangkok acquisition pact
Edita Food Industries
ProPak Asia, the region’s S.A.E. (EFID.CA on the
number one international Egyptian Exchange & EFID.L
trade event for Food, Drink on the London Stock
& Ph a r m a c e ut i c a l Exchange), a leader in
Processing & Packaging Egypt’s packaged snack food
Technology, is a part of the market, signed a partnership
ProPak exhibition series agreement with Tuama Jebur
running across the globe - Abbas (TJA) based in
India, Philippines, Middle Baghdad. Establishes Edita Iraq
East & North Africa, This strategic partnership local presence and operating
Vietnam, and China. The Premier Processing & Packaging Exhibition for Asia in June 2025 includes the acquisition of a factory, TJA is well-equipped
ProPak Asia truly is the 49% stake in TJA for a valua- to support Edita’s expansion
“Must-Attend” industry ProPak Asia includes 8 Labelling Asia, Coldchain, tion of USD 8 million, in Iraq.
event in Asia for Asia, as the Industry Zones making it Logistics, Warehousing & through a capital increase. Under the terms of the
quality and variety of prod- easier for buyers and sellers Factory Asia. The establishment of Edita’s partnership, Edita Iraq will
ucts increase and expand, to meet and develop great The 32nd International first local production pres- be established through a
and productivity of opera- business together. This Processing and Packaging ence in Iraq is a key mile- UAE-based holding com-
tions and manufacturing P ro c es si n gTe ch A sia , Technology Event for Asia stone in Edita’s regional
standards are driven higher Packaging Tech Asia, will be held from 11-14 June growth strategy. pany, granting Edita manage-
by consumer demands and D r i n kT e ch A s ia , 2025 at Bangkok Established in 2018, TJA is ment control. The
new automation and tech- P h a r m a T e ch A s ia , International Trade & a family-owned snack manu- acquisition includes a factory
nological advances, which L a b & T est A s i a , Exhibition Centre: BITEC, facturing company in Iraq, equipped with three produc-
will be presented at the PackagingSolutions Asia, Bangkok, Thailand. Visit: specializing in high-quality tion lines, two for cakes and
show. Coding, Ma rking & packaged snacks. With its one for biscuits.
06 PrintWeek MENA February 2025