Page 10 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
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      Screen shows new Truepress                                                               CoCoCo and MBO
                                                                                               at drupa
      PAC 520P at drupa 2024                                                                   CoCoCo has revealed its first
                                                                                                Print SaaS company
                                                                                               vendor driven integration,
                                                                                               with finishing  specialist
        Screen  showed  its  new                                         Screen said that even with   MBO.
      water-based inkjet press                                           high value-added packaging   The partnership was
      designed for paper packag-                                         runs, such as mixed, small   announced at Drupa 2024 at
      ing at Drupa. The press man-                                       lot, and variable design   Messe Düsseldorf (Hall 7,
      ufacturer is showed the                                            items, the press would main-  Stand A06) with the debut
      Truepress PAC 520P in Hall                                                               of the CoConnect integra-
      8a,  which can print onto                                          tain throughput with no loss   tion with MBO’s
      media widths of up to                                              of productivity.      Datamanager.
      520mm at a resolution of                                            Juan Cano, Screen Europe   The two companies said
      600x900dpi and speeds up                                           marketing director and busi-  the tie-up offers integration
      to 80m/min, thanks to a spe-  The Truepress PAC 520P prints at up to 80m/min  ness development director   highlights including “effort-
      cially designed drying mech-  NP. These water-based inks  for the ink tanks.  for flexible packaging, said:   less connectivity” between
      anism optimised for paper   comply with European food   The machine is said to   “The Truepress PAC 520P is   MBO’s finishing  kit and
      packaging. Screen said the   and safety regulations and   “dramatically reduce” pre-  a  very  compact  and  agile   existing print company set-
      machine was developed “to   guidelines, known for their   press processing and print-  press for printing paper pack-  ups; and data-driven optimi-
      meet the industry’s increas-  strict inspection standards   ing preparations compared   aging. There’s a fast-growing   sation – by leveraging the
      ingly demanding require-  and ensuring a high level of   with conventional methods.      capabilities of Datamanager,
      ments for quality,    consumer safety. The system   It also significantly shortens   trend in the market where   users will be able to harness
      productivity, and safety”.  also includes several eco-  production times and   consumers are demanding a   data insights to optimise
        Available now worldwide,  friendly features, such as the   decreases the number of   move away from plastic   their operations, reduce
      the machine uses Screen’s   use of lightweight, easily   operators required on-site,   towards paper-based [sub-  waste, and enhance produc-
      proprietary Truepress ink   recyclable bag-in-box units   as well as their workloads.  strates]. “  tivity.
      EFI claims world’s first full-                                     Plockmatic adds

      colour, on-demand box line                                         digital die-cutters

        EFI unveiled a raft of new                                        Plockmatic International
      products across its three                                          has revealed a pair of digital
      core markets at Drupa,                                             die-cutters, the SC7000
      including a new partnership                                        Pro-T and Pro-T XL for their
      to bring a single-pass inkjet                                      Drupa launch under
      corrugated line for the auto-                                      Plockmatic’s Intec subsidi-
      matic production of fin-                                           ary.
      ished, variable sized                                               Joining the models’
      constructed boxes. Ken                                             SC6500 predecessor, the
      Hanulec, EFI’s vice presi-  Packsize EFI X5 Nozomi: EFI’s big drupa draw  SC7000 Pro-T and Pro-T XL   It handles thicker substrates
      dent for worldwide market-                                         feature a brand-new active
      ing, said the Packsize EFI X5   line prints, cuts, creases,   and produce a fully printed,   tangential creasing wheel   business unit, said: “These
                                                                                               are exciting additions to our
                                                   decorated, assembled box
      Nozomi was the world’s first   glues and forms customised   every six seconds,” said   that delivers a much higher   fully automatic digital cutter
      full-colour, on-demand box   boxes at speeds of up to 600   Hanulec. “There is a further   creasing pressure, with   family.
      line. He described it as the   boxes per hour. It features   technology, that is not com-  sheets up to 450 microns   “Designed  as  dual  tool
      perfect marriage of single-  Packsize’s X5 customisable   mercially available, that  thick now cut, kiss-cut,   cutter/creasers, bringing
      pass Nozomi technology   boxmaking system, which   we’re working on, which is  creased and perforated in   together flatbed, sheetfed,
      with that of right-sized pack-  was launched last year, with   flat box packaging. We’re   one pass.  tangential and contour cut-
      aging kit manufacturer   an EFI Nozomi five-colour   going to bring that to market   Handling sheets up to   ting technologies, in a com-
      Packsize, resulting in an all-  (CMYKO) single-pass inkjet   by the end of the year.”   3 4 0 x7 1 0 m m,  or  pact,  affordable  and
                                                   According to Hanulec, the
      in-one production line for   engine. It can run four dif-  line is as near to operator   545x740mm for the XL, the   productive unit. The range is
      printed, right-sized packag-  ferent board feeding widths   free as is possible, with   two machines are auto-fed   ideal for commercial print-
      ing.                  for full flexibility.  labour only required to load  and cut at up to 1,060mm   ers and digital print compa-
        Targeted at e-commerce,   “The four widths enable   metarial or ink; everything  per second.  nies wishing to bring
      logistics and print busi-  the system to produce over   else can be controlled by the   Ray  Hillhouse, VP  of   automated digital die-cut-
      nesses, the fully automated   30,000 different [box] sizes   ERP or MIS.  Plockmatic Group’s offline   ting in-house.”
      10  PrintWeek MENA June 2024                                                       
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