Page 9 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
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      HP grows Middle East & Africa  Headquarters

      presence with Al Eqtessad                                                                cation concerning Rotatek
                                                                                                 Vinsak has offered a clarifi-

        Saudi Arabia-based Al                                            shapes and sizes, as well as   Printing and packaging
      Eqtessad has opened up                                             companies working across an   Technologies SL growth
      about its long-term relation-                                      array of other markets and   strategy and its geographical
      ship with HP, revealing how                                        industries.           operations. In a statement,
      its wide-ranging technology                                         “Our customers are based   the company said: “Rotatek
      partnership with the manu-                                         in all cities of Saudi Arabia,”   SL affirms its commitment to
      facturer has allowed it to sup-                                                          expanding operations in
      port print service providers                                       said Oussama Nasr, National   Barcelona, Spain and there
      and customers across a host                                        Service Director at Al   are  no  plans  to  move  the
      of industries. Al Eqtessad has                                     Eqtessad. “We have a strong   manufacturing unit or the
      specialised in print technol-                                      presence in the production   headquarters to Dubai, UAE.
      ogy for over 40 years, work-                                       areas of key market segments   “Dubai serves solely as the
      ing with a number of leading   Saudi Arabia-based Al Eqtessad & its long-term relationship with HP  such as government; educa-  Group headquarters as it
      print brands. Among its   mat printing machines.  printers. HP’s PageWide XL   tion including universities,   plays a pivotal role in facili-
      stand-out print partners is   Al Eqtessad supplies the   series 4200, 5200, 8200 As   colleges and schools; engi-  tating group-wide operations
      HP.                   full ranges of both HP Latex   well as the XL Pro series and   neering and construction;   and strategic planning. We
        This partnership has gone  and HP DesignJet printers.   the HP Latex R series 1000 &   gas and oil; and healthcare   appreciate your attention to
      from strength to strength for  Popular products within   2000 of flatbed printers also   such as hospitals and medi-
      both Al Eqtessad and HP,  those ranges include the HP   prove to be in high demand       this matter, and we are avail-
      with the company now offer-  Latex  700/700W  and HP   within the region.  cal. We also work with many   able to address any further
      ing customers in Saudi  Latex 800/800W HP Latex   Such is the range of HP   customers in more tradi-  inquiries you may have.”
      Arabia and further afield  1500,HP Latex 2700, models   technologies available from   tional, print-based sectors   VINSAK is a leading sup-
      within the Middle East and  as well as HP DesignJet   Al Eqtessad that the company   such as the graphic arts mar-  plier of printing and packag-
      African region access to a  XL3600, XL3800 and HP   is in a position to support   ket, copy centres, bookstores,   ing solutions in India, Africa,
      wide range of HP large-for-  DesignJet T830, T850, T950   print service providers of all   and offset print companies.”  and the Middle East.
      The Power to Move: Digital                                         GulfPack at Saudi

      transformation in publishing                                       Print & Pack 2024

        The enduring success of                                           Gulf Packaging Industries
      printed books in the digital                                       Co.’s (GulfPack) has shared a
      age is a testament to their                                        recap of memorable
      unique power to connect                                            moments at the 19th edition
      with readers on an emo-                                            of  Saudi  Print  &  Pack  in
      tional and intellectual level,                                     Riyadh. From the inspiring
      writes Shadi Bakhour, B2B                                          ribbon-cutting ceremony
      Business Unit Director,                                            graced by distinguished lead-
      Canon Middle East. Despite                                         ers to the grand unveiling of
      the proliferation of digital                                                             GulfPack at Saudi Print & Pack
      alternatives, consumers                                            our new logo, this event   ALDakheel, CEO of Tahweel
      continue to seek the tactile                                       marked a significant mile-  Holding. The unveiling of
      experience, the focused                                            stone in their journey.  their new logo, symbolizing
      immersion, and the emo-  Shadi Bakhour, B2B Business Unit Director, Canon Middle East  The highlights include:
      tional resonance that physi-  tional research increasingly  ronmental impact of unsold   The momentous ribbon-  their commitment to sustain-
      cal books provide. This   highlights the cognitive ben-  stock are concerns that   cutting ceremony attended   ability and innovation, fea-
      enduring demand is evident   efits of physical books, lead-  demand innovative solu-  by His Excellency Bandar   tured a cake-cutting
      in the sustained growth of   ing to better learning   tions. Businesses across all   Alkhorayef, Minister of   ceremony by GulfPack’s sen-
      book sales across many mar-  outcomes than digital alter-  sectors are  re-evaluating   Industry and Mineral   ior leaders.The infectious
      kets, further fuelled by   natives. However, the pub-                                    energy of their team as they
      social media trends like   lishing industry faces   their supply chains to elimi-  Resources; His Excellency
      ‘ B o ok T ok ’  a n d  challenges in meeting this   nate risk, achieve efficien-  Eng. Khalil bin Ibrahim bin   celebrated GulfPack’s
      ‘Bookstagram’ that create   e v o lv i n g  de m a n d .   cies, minimize waste, and   Salamah, Deputy Minister of   rebranding, showcasing their
      viral success for new titles   Unpredictable trends, reli-  shorten time-to-market. The   Industry and Mineral   dedication to leading the
      and engage younger genera-  ance on bulk printing and  publishing industry is no   Resources for Industrial   packaging industry towards a
      tions. Additionally, educa-  warehousing, and the envi-  exception.  Affairs; and Nader   sustainable future.                                                                     June 2024 PrintWeek MENA 09
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