Page 6 - PWM2024_JUNE EBOOK
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NEWS           INDIA

      APRIL Group buys stake in Origami

        APRIL Group, a leading                                           well behind global stand-  into the tissue markets in
      global producer of fibre,                                          ards.”                China, Southeast Asia and
      pulp and paper, has acquired                                         “The Indian tissue market   Brazil.  In India, APRIL
      a controlling stake in                                             is rapidly expanding, driven   plans to follow its successful
      Origami, India’s leading                                           by consumers’ evolving per-  model to integrate leading
      consumer tissue products                                           ceptions and habits on   local enterprises into its
      company, marking its                                               hygiene and personal care,”   global growth plans and pro-
      entrance into the fast-grow-                                       said Suneel Kulkarni,
      ing India tissue and personal                                      Country Head, APRIL India   vide the resources to
      hygiene market.  APRIL                                             & Subcontinent.  “By bring-  upgrade technology and
      Group is a member of the                                           ing together APRIL and   processes to provide world
      Singapore-headquartered                                            Origami, we’re well placed   class environmental con-
      RGE group of companies.  APRIL Group buys controlling stake in Indian company Origami  to serve the growing   scious products at afforda-
        Origami, a household                                             national demand for high   ble prices.
      name in India, is a fully inte-  and wet wipes under the   shown significant year-on-  quality, sustainable personal   Leveraging the company’s
      grated operation spanning   Origami and affiliated   year growth, driven on the   hygiene products.”  status as a leading supplier
      tissue paper mills and con-  brands.         back of India’s fast evolving   APRIL has been a leading   of pulp to India, APRIL’s
      verting plants operating at                  middle class, consumer per-  exporter of pulp and paper   acquisition of the control-
      multiple locations and dis-  Origami was founded in   ceptions and habits on   products into India over the   ling stake in Origami also
      tribution centers across the   1995 by Neelam and Manoj   hygiene and personal care.   last 25 years.  The acquisi-  enables the group to ‘Make
      country.  As India’s leader in   Pachisia, who will continue   This has created a market
      tissue and personal hygiene,   to hold a significant minor-  environment in which inter-  tion of the controlling stake   in India’ to further support
      Origami manufactures an   ity stake in the company and  national-standard personal   of Origami is part of APRIL’s   foreign direct investment in
      extensive product range cov-  continue to lead the busi-  hygiene products are   strategy to expand its global   local production.
      ering facial tissues, paper   ness following the comple-  increasing in demand, with   footprint into the world’s   “Together, APRIL and
      napkins, toilet tissue rolls,   tion of the acquisition. The   headroom to grow given that   most populous markets fol-  Origami are stronger,”
      kitchen towels, hand towels,   Indian tissue market has  per capita consumption is   lowing recent investments   Kulkarni added.

      Hitech Print Systems installs Rotatek RK 250 Plus 9-Color press

        Hitech, a prominent name                                             This also marks the inau-  launch an upgrade program
      in security printing in India,                                     gural installation of newly   for customers interested in
      has reinforced its commit-                                         christened Rotatek Printing   transitioning to our latest
      ment to excellence and inno-                                       and Packaging technologies
      vation by investing in a                                           in the Indian market.   offering, the RK Perfect NT,
      second 9-colour pre-owned                                           Mario Gamez, CEO of   a state-of-the-art shaftless
      Rotatek RK 250 Plus press.                                         Rotatek, said, “We are   servo press.”
      This significant addition to                                       thrilled that Hitech has once   With ongoing technical
      their production arsenal is                                        again placed their trust in   advancements, an expanded
      poised  to  augment  their                                         Rotatek’s cutting-edge tech-  workforce, and increased
      capacity and further elevate                                       nology.  The  RK 250 Plus
      their standards of quality and                                                           production capabilities,
      efficiency.            Hitech Print Systems installs second Rotatek RK 250 Plus press  nine-color press is renowned   Rotatek is poised for a prom-
        Hitech is  specialized  in   The newly installed   installed in 2013. This new   as a dependable workhorse,   ising future. The company
      security printing of various   Rotatek RK 250 Plus press,   workhorse further solidifies   with over 300 machines   anticipates reclaiming its
      essential documents includ-  located at Hitech’s state-of-  Hitech’s position as a leader   operational worldwide, some   position as a market leader in
      ing question papers, answer   the-art facility in Vijayawada,   in embracing advanced print-  even spanning up to 20 years   security printing, driven by
      sheets, OMR forms, univer-                                         in service. We are committed
      sity degrees, certificates,   marks a strategic milestone   ing solutions to meet evolv-  to providing comprehensive   its relentless pursuit of inno-
      cheques, and other valuable   in the company’s journey, the   ing market demands and   support for all our presses   vation and customer satisfac-
      documents.            first Rotatek machine was   exceed client expectations.  globally and are gearing up to   tion.

      06 PrintWeek MENA June 2024                                                       
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