Page 27 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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Graphics, has seen his company’s chari- platform for others to see these charities – there are 800 of them “we provide a regular donation plus we
table works grow over time. Where once that sit on desks and 12 charities get a month in front of our cus- are always the headline sponsor of the
the firm would help with a free banner at tomers. We promote each month’s ‘why’ via our social media bi-annual Children of Courage awards.
a local event or waiving artwork charges channels.” We also aim to provide support all year
on a charity project – it now often part- Charitable work for CIM, Baker explains, “shows that we are round working with the charity to use
ners on projects and supplies labour or not all about money and financial gain. The team knows that we
works in kind where CIM’s branding is do it for reasons that are credible”. our knowledge and marketing expertise
also displayed. As for the charities themselves, Baker says that “they are thank- to think of innovative ways to raise
Baker explains: “It was mainly born ful... there are so many charities, and they are all fighting for fund- funds”.
from if someone needed our help, and ing to make a difference to others”. He tells how instead of giving
we believed and liked the project or the He adds that the company is a “flag flyer in appreciation for Christmas gifts this year the company
people, we would do what we could.” what they do”. He continues: “We make signs and are good at that, will instead sponsor a water-skiing event
Deciding on which organisations to we don’t have the skillsets for some of the amazing, challenging in 2025 where 10 to 15 families will
help is simple says Baker. Very often it’s and at times soul destroying situations some of these people have “have a day out to remember”.
a function of “either one of our team to deal with; without them there would be far more pain in our
having a connection or relevance to the society.” He’s doing this because, with
charity, or just the feeling we have got on In his view, firms looking to do some good should “do what Christmas gifts to customers, “there are
with the people we speak to, and the tim- makes [them] feel happy, make the decisions based on what [they] only so many bottles of wine one person
ing is right”. In other words, there is no can afford and why [they] want to be involved.” can drink at Christmas” and the event
exact science to the help given. He makes the point that “we are on this planet once, so are a “will give families the gift of something
In more detail, Baker says that the few more digits in the bank going to make you that much happier, to look forward to into the new year
company sometimes provides design or or is doing something nice for someone else more rewarding?” when times for these families can be so
manufacturing time free of charge. His For Baker, charity doesn’t have to mean a large donation – it tough”.
reasoning is that it “helps a charity get can often be something simple. Other examples of giving that Marsh
Do good and share with would they not have spent money on but TheMPC mentions include an event that raised
something of added value that perhaps
more than £18,000 for the NSPCC
could gain them revenue, noticeability
Paul Marsh, managing director, understands just how valuable
through sales of a charity print, and help-
or an asset for the longer term”.
to society good work and the effects of charity can be. He details
others events or run their own events to raise what it has meant to him – personally. ing to fundraise, through the Knights
On top of that, CIM staff help organise
Foundation, to build a school in Nepal.
“It is not until you experience something that you realise how
awareness and funds for charities. Baker
lucky you are. In our situation, our son was very poorly and spent
And TheMPC staff welcome what the
recognises that this comes at the firm’s
expense but considers it an opportunity quite of bit of time in hospital when he was very young. We real- company is doing in this sphere. As
ised very quickly that although he was unwell, he would get better.
Marsh comments, “they are very sup-
for staff to step away from the day-to-day
job to learn and develop. It should be But he was surrounded by young children for whom hospital was portive of the charities we support and
said that the company also sponsors or like a second home and they would need care continually love to get involved where they can. We
donates money. throughout their childhood and into adult life.” take our staff to a number of the events
And the efforts pay off. Baker details This for Marsh was, as he says, “a wake-up call for us; my wife so they can see first-hand how we as a
that in one instance the company grew and I decided we should help where we can.” business look to support this very impor-
£250 to £4,500 through a mix of run- Marsh tells how while at the hospital the steps they took were tant charity in our local community”.
ning, sponsoring and connecting four “as simple as ensuring that other parents had adequate respite and In finishing, Marsh reckons that if a
challenges where it got to explain who ensured they took care of themselves”. They helped organise food firm can help then it should. But he says
the charity was and its purpose – plus and accommodation for those parents who didn’t know this was
“we got to pack gift boxes and hear the available or who were just too exhausted. that “it’s important to ensure you can
stories of cancer survivors and those But when back at home the couple decided to do more and that afford to do it, not only from a financial
who volunteer after losing loved ones”. is when his relationship with The Knights Foundation started. point of view, but also in terms of time”.
Further, CIM helped with awareness The foundation was chosen, says Marsh, precisely because the He says this for good reason: “When you
with branding the charity’s vans to help can see what an impact you are having
it get noticed. founder of the charity covered the costs of running it via his own first hand, you will want to do more and
Something else CIM does is to pro- businesses. “We know all of the money we donate goes directly to more.”
duce a calendar. Previously used to pro- those who need it,” he says. “You hear so many stories about Charity is not about being ‘holier than
mote CIM and what it did, having run organisations where the salaries are huge. We aren’t providing thou’ or taking the moral high ground.
out of ideas the firm began to gift the support to pay salaries; we do it to help those in our community
monthly space to charities. As Baker who need it most.” Rather, it’s about doing the right thing
says: “This isn’t giving money, but is a In terms of the assistance given, Marsh explains that as patrons and caring for others. March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 27