Page 23 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
P. 23


      Petit and Koenig &                                                  National  and regional
                                                                          IN BRIEF

      Bauer Durst new deal                                                newsbrands made a
                                                                          splash last month, devot-
                                                                          ing their front pages to a
                                                                          campaign by the UK’s cre-
                                                                          ative industries about the
        Petit, a family-owned                                             threat from tech giants
      leader in the corrugated card-                                      using their work for gen-
      board production and con-                                           erative AI. The ’Make it
      version sector in the Iberian                                       Fair’ campaign is backed by a number of industry bodies,
                                                                          including the News Media Association, the PPA, and record-
      Peninsula, has reached an   Digitalisation of POS                   ed music association the BPI. The campaign states: “Tech
      agreement with Koenig &   teaming up with a supplier  2019, combines the expertise   giants should not profit from stolen content, or use it for
      Bauer Durst to start the digi-  that has the full back-up off       free.” It’s extremely unusual for rival media groups to co-
      talization of point of sale   two leading companies in   of Koenig & Bauer   operate in such a manner. 25 February was the last day of
                                                                          the government consultation over potential changes to
      (POS) and packaging pro-  their respective markets,   (Germany, 1817), leader in   copyright laws that present an “existential threat” to the
      duction. This agreement   Durst and Koenig & Bauer.  innovative printing systems   £120bn-plus creative economy. News Media Association CEO
      begins with the installation   Founded in 1933, Petit is   and peripherals, and Durst,   Owen Meredith said copyright was fundamental to publish-
      of a single-pass digital inkjet   one of the leading companies  pioneer in the development   ers’ ability to invest in trusted quality journalism.
      Delta SPC 130 printing line   in the production and con-  of analogue and digital image   Online newspaper London
      supplied with water-based   version of corrugated card-             Daily launched into print
      inks, which will be carried   board applications in the   reproduction technologies.   on  this month  with
                                                                          100,000 promotional cop-
      out during the first half of   Iberian Peninsula. Its com-  Its objective is to develop and   ies of the tabloid distrib-
      2025.                 mitment since its foundation   market sustainable single-  uted around the capital.
        With this strategic invest-  has been its commitment to  pass digital solutions to print   The free March  issue,
      ment, Petit reaffirms its com-  constant adaptation to the   e folding cartons and corru-  launched on 12 February to
                                                                          allow extra time for full
      mitment to sustainability and   needs of the market, guaran-  gated cardboard, uniting tra-  production, will be fol-
      technological progress, con-  teeing the most demanding             lowed by monthly editions – all planned at print runs of
      solidating its position as a   quality standards.  dition and innovation for the   100,000, according to Anasudhin Azeez, managing director
      leader in innovation and digi-  The Koenig & Bauer Durst   transformation of the pack-  and executive editor of publisher LDD News. LDD News has
                                                                          turned to Reach Printing Services to print the paper, and is
      talization in the sector, while  joint venture, founded in  aging and POS industry.  currently in talks with several distributors to circulate the
                                                                          paper for its first year, after which point LDD News hopes to
      Council cans printed magazine                                       distribute the paper itself. Azeez told Printweek that the
                                                                          time was ripe for a new London paper, as City A.M. cut its
                                                                          print editions to three days a week.
        North Somerset Council’s  through residents’ doors   tion had a print run of around   Moss has returned to the
      free printed magazine to all  monthly.       105,000 and was sent to   M&A trail, expanding its
      residents will no longer be   Over the last decade, how-  households across the area.   presence in the UK with
      published after a council  ever, the council has steadily   The most recent issue, dated   the acquisition of Rocket
                                                                          Gr ap hics.
      decision taken last week.   reduced the frequency of the   Autumn/Winter 2024, went   US-headquartered Moss
                                                   to press in late October and
      North Somerset Life maga-  magazine down to two edi-  was delivered in mid-Novem-  acquired wide-format
                            tions last year. It said this was
      zine, which contained North   in a bid to reduce costs and   ber. The prior Spring/  print and display specialist
                                                                          MacroArt 15 months ago,
      Somerset Council and part-  because more people were   Summer  issue  had  been   with the St Neots business rebranded as Moss last year.
      ners’ news and updates, was   accessing information   delivered in mid-May. It was   Moss announced that it had bought Rocket Graphics, based
      first launched in 2004 and  online. The council told   printed by Go Inspire on   in Watford. Rocket Graphics specialises in creative branding
                                                                          spanning events, retail, and bespoke projects. Moss UK
      was initially distributed  Printweek the 48pp publica-  54gsm gloss stock.  managing director Michael Green will helm the enlarged UK
                                                                          business, while Rocket co-founder Tim Porter will join the
      MUTOH releases HydrAton 1642                                        senior management team as group account director. Rocket
                                                                          Graphics will be renamed Moss, giving the business a uni-
                                                                          fied brand.
        MUTOH Europe nv, the                        HydrAton 1642 is powered
      EMEA headquarters of                         by AQUAFUZE™ *, an     Cheshire packaging firm Packaging One is looking to expand
      MUTOH INDUSTRIES                             advanced UV-curable water-  into the US market following a major $2.5m (£1.98m) con-
      LTD., Japan, proudly                         based ink technology devel-  tract win for its protective packaging product line. The deal
      announces the official                       oped by Fujifilm. This hybrid   was signed last September. The contract with a global
      release of the HydrAton                      ink system combines the   phone and tech manufacturer to replace non-recyclable
                                                                          packaging has seen Packaging One ramp up production of
      1642, a 64” / 1625 mm roll-                                         its patented MediaWrap protective cardboard packaging
      to-roll printer featuring   HydrAton 1642 – 1625 mm  benefits of waterbased and   after securing a seven-figure funding deal with Natwest.
      innovative waterbased UV                     UV-curable inks, utilizing   Packaging One has now begun supplying the packaging for
      technology. First showcased   through MUTOH’s certified  Fujifilm’s proprietary disper-  the undisclosed tech manufacturer’s global device return
      at Drupa 2024, this environ-  distributors and partners in   sion technology to achieve   and trade-in scheme, and has expanded from phones to
      mentally friendly printer is   Europe, Middle East and   low-VOC, low-odour, and   other devices, with the latest design due to enter produc-
      now available for sale   Africa.             non-hazardous printing.  tion imminently.                                                                     March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 23
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