Page 20 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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      Herma launches new                                                                       Esko
      adhesive for security labels                                                             cessfully transformed and
                                                                                                Esko WebCenter has suc-

                                                                                               consolidated Mars’ global
                                                                                               artwork management work-
        Herma has launched                                               adhesion and extremely   flow, enabling the confec-
      63Spc, a new multi-layer                                           high final adhesion.  tionery giant to achieve
      adhesive developed to turn                                          ‘Here too, multi-layer   process harmonization
      conventional materials into                                        technology allows us to sat-  across its diverse product
      easily applied security or                                         isfy two seemingly contra-  categories and locations.
      tamper-evident labels by                                           dictory requirements   Jan De Roeck, CMO of
      ensuring that seal labels can-                                     perfectly,’ said Dr Stefan   Esko, said the partnership
      not be removed without                                             Kissling, head of adhesive   exemplifies how the right
      being destroyed or leaving                                         development and special   packaging management
      visible residue on the sur-                                        coatings at Herma.    technology can transform
      face.                                                               The new 63Spc is charac-  operations for global
        Using conventional and,                                          terized by a high final adhe-  brands.
      therefore, cost-effective   The seal labels cannot be removed without being destroyed  sion that seals labels that   Torsten Ilse, global graph-
      materials for security or                                          cannot be removed even   ics director at Mars, who has
      tamper-evident labels on   the advantageous multi-  adhesive bleeding during   from lacquered pharmaceuti-  overseen the implementa-
      many different types of   layer technology.  processing and, therefore,   cal packaging and many   tion, highlighted the strate-
                                                                                               gic importance of selecting a
      packaging and products is   The new adhesive with   ensures a particularly high   other polar and non-polar   technology with deep CPG
      now even easier: Herma has   the designation 63Spc has   level of process reliability.  surfaces, such as paper, card-  and packaging design exper-
      switched its 63S adhesive,   high internal strength   Despite this, label printers   board and even plastics and   tise. The WebCenter plat-
      which was specially devel-  thanks to the multi-layer  and  users  do  not  have  to   steel,  without  being   form has  improved  Mars’
      oped for this purpose, from   technology. This practically   make any trade-offs with   destroyed or leaving visible   artwork management work-
      single-layer technology to   eliminates the possibility of   regard to the high initial   residue on surface.  flows.
      IST America’s        AI authentication                            Cyngient addresses

      sales team           technology                                   tariff changes

        IST America, one of the
      global leaders in UV and   Systech, part of Markem-                As global trade dynamics
      LED light curing technol-  Imaje and Dover and one of             evolve, Cyngient, a supplier of
      ogy, has expanded its sales   the leading providers of digi-      inks, coatings and adhesives
      team with the addition of   tal identification and tracea-        for labels and packaging, has
      James Geren as technical   bility software, has launched          remained proactive in moni-
                           UniSecure ArtAI, an                          toring tariff developments
      sales representative.  AI-powered authentication                  that impact the industries it
        With over 18 years of   technology designed to safe-            serves. Cyngient said its
      experience in the flooring   guard brands, ensure pack-           approach is centered on inno-
      industry, Geren brings a   aging quality and protect              vation, strategic sourcing and
      wealth of knowledge in   patients.          Systech’s Unisecure ArtAI  operational efficiency to offset   Monitoring tariff changes
      manufacturing processes,   As a fully cloud-based soft-  our commitment to provid-  potential cost increases. By   ing partner at Cyngient. ‘Our
      new technology applica-  ware as a service (SaaS),   ing cutting-edge solutions to   leveraging advanced formula-  clients rely on us not just for
      tions and sales develop-  ArtAI leverages existing                tions, supply chain partner-  premium products, but for
      ment. His expertise will   packaging artwork and AI   challenges ranging from   ships and sustainability, it   strategic support in an evolv-
      support IST America’s   applications – like machine   counterfeiting and diversion   continues to deliver its prod-  ing market. To that end, we
      growth, particularly in   vision, machine learning   to upholding the highest level   ucts without compromising   are constantly exploring crea-
      expanding its presence in   and neural networks – to   of quality,’ said Sreedhar   affordability.  tive ways to maintain compet-
                           deliver real-time results and
                                                                         ‘We understand that fluctu-
      key markets.         forensic analytics that help   Patnala, general manager at   ating costs can create chal-  itive pricing, whether through
        Geren worked with   combat critical challenges   Systech. ‘ArtAI enables   lenges, and we are committed   enhanced efficiencies, alter-
      some of the sector’s most   for life sciences companies   brands to quickly identify   to helping our clients navigate   native raw materials, or inno-
      prominent global manu-  and pharmaceutical brands.  and resolve issues and roll   these changes while main-  vative product solutions.’
      facturers. Throughout his   ‘We are thrilled to intro-  out packaging quality checks   taining exceptional quality   Wasserman believes that
      career, he has successfully   duce ArtAI, a ground-break-  and counterfeit protection at   and competitive pricing,’ says   uncertainty shouldn’t stand in
      led many initiatives.  ing offering that underscores   scale.’    Andrew Wasserman, manag-  the way of progress.
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