Page 21 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
P. 21


      CCL Label’s next-generation                                                              ELF 2025
      EcoFloat in Southeast Asia                                                               Label Forum (ELF) 2025
                                                                                                The Finat European

                                                                                               has opened registration.
                                                                                               Taking  place  from May
        CCL Label has launched                                           sustainable option made
      the next generation of                                             from polyolefin. This mate-  21-23, 2025 in Amsterdam,
      EcoFloat shrink sleeves                                            rial is approved by recyclers   the Netherlands, this event
      made from recycling-                                               and has been endorsed by   for the European label
      friendly polyolefin (PO)                                           RecyClass in Europe and   industry will bring together
      material in Southeast Asia.                                        APR in the US,’ said Marika   label printers, suppliers,
      Made  from  recycling-                                                                   brand owners, and industry
      friendly polyolefin (PO)                                           Knorr, global head of sus-  experts for three days of
      material, they offer shrink-                                       tainability  at  CCL Label.   insights, innovation  and
      age of up to 73 percent to fit                                     The sleeve is also available in   networking.
      most packaging shapes and                                          EcoFloat White, a white ver-  This year’s  event  is
      detach automatically dur-                                          sion developed for light-sen-  divided into five sessions,
      ing the recycling process.  Low-density polyolefin sleeves detach during recycling process  sitive products such as dairy,   focusing on geopolitics and
        The EcoFloat sleeve helps                                        supplements or vitamins. It   socio-economic  trends,
      with the crucial sink/float   ier PET flakes sink to the   into food-grade packaging.  enables brands to switch
      process step in PET recy-  bottom of the container,   ‘The development of this   from a white HDPE bottle   navigating change in a
      cling because it is made   while the floatable material  high-shrink version of our      dynamic market, sustaina-
      from a low-density polyole-  collects at the top of the   award-winning EcoFloat   that cannot be recycled back   bility in labels and packag-
      fin material that floats. It   container and can be easily   shrink sleeve enables our   into food-grade packaging to   ing, technology innovation,
      automatically separates   captured and removed. The  brand customers to switch   a transparent PET bottle that   and leadership. More
      from the PET bottle flakes.   recycler is left with high-  from PVC or PET-G shrink   is food-grade recycled. The   details can be found on the
      The density separation is   quality, clean PET flakes   sleeves, that are detrimen-  light-blocking barrier is   European Label Forum
      simple and clean: the heav-  that can be recycled back   tal to recycling, to a more   moved to the sleeve itself.  website.
      AM Labels’ automatic packet-                                       Nilpeter to expand

      feeding labeling system                                            presence in Africa

        AM Labels has expanded                                            Recognizing the vast
      its portfolio with an auto-                                        potential and increasing
      matic packet-feeding system.                                       demand for high-quality
      When connected to the                                              labels and flexible packaging
      LabelPack Label X JR wipe-                                         and  the  rapid  industry
      on applicator, the new com-                                        growth, Nilpeter has planned
      bined system can automate                                          to participate in six key
      the feeding of packets,                                            African exhibitions through-
      pouches, cartons and boxes                                         out the year. Nilpeter said
      with the application of labels                                     Africa’s packaging market   Nilpeter to expand in Africa
      in a single process. The com-                                      was valued at 43.48 billion
      bined system has been devel-  The new system was developed to reduce manual handling  USD in 2024 and is expected   such as the Kenya Plastics
                                                                                               Pact, which promotes recy-
      oped to reduce manual   packet labeling system can  setup time to simplify the   to grow at an annual rate of   clable packaging and a circu-
      handling requirements and   increase the productivity,             3.85 percent through 2029.   lar economy. At the same
      ensure a more consistent,   accuracy and reliability of the   process of changing material   While South Africa remains   time, competition is intensi-
      efficient labeling process. A   labeling process.  types.  The feeder labeler   the dominant player, mar-  fying, with offset printers
      unique benefit of the packet   In addition to the auto-gat-  boasts a compact footprint   kets in East Africa, including   entering the market and put-
      feeding system is the auto-  ing feature, the packet feeder   and design, and the range of   Kenya and Tanzania, are   ting pressure on profit mar-
      gating system that allows for   benefits from a large hopper   customizable configurations   emerging as key growth   gins. With Africa’s youthful
                                                                                               population and growing
      the labeling of pouches with   infeed and variable speed   ensures it can meet a variety   areas.  urbanization, demand for
      zip locks, extending the ver-  control of up to 30 m/min,           The key industry trends   flexible packaging and
      satility of the feeder labeler.  enabling the handling of a   of specific application needs.   include expanding digital   smaller product sizes is ris-
        Designed to support busi-  range of packet sizes and   A key component of the com-  printing to meet demand for   ing. This presents a strong
      nesses in the food, pharma-  thicknesses.    bined system is the fully auto-  short-run, high-quality pack-  opportunity for both flexo
      ceuticals and consumer   Furthermore, the quick-  matic Label X JR label   aging and increased focus on   and digital printing technolo-
      goods industries, the new  set hopper guides reduce the   applicator.  sustainability initiatives,   gies.                                                                     March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 21
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