Page 19 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
P. 19


      Confidence in connected                                                                  Edge Long Beach
      packaging soars: New survey                                                              Long Beach, the flagship
                                                                                                Registration for  Edge

                                                                                               annual conference of the
                                                                                               Dscoop global community,
        Appetite Creative,  has                                          technology have emerged as   has now opened online. The
      partnered with Polytag and                                         the leading implementation   event will be held on the
      Digimarc, for its fourth                                           method (42.4 percent),   California coast from May
      annual Global Connected                                            with individual use of QR   14 to 17.
      Packaging Survey 2025.                                             codes (32.1 percent) and   The event, set for May
      According to the research,                                         NFC tags (22.1 percent)   14-17, is designed to give
                                                                         close behind. While 66.1
      88.8 percent of those sur-                                         percent of  respondents   attendees an immersive,
      veyed stated that connected                                        show increasing interest in   energizing experience
      packaging will be increas-                                         serialized QR codes, up   where they can learn, col-
      ingly important to the pack-                                       from 64.6 percent in 2024,   laborate and prepare for the
      aging industry in the next                                         indicating growing sophis-  future. The agenda is based
      12 months and beyond.  Connected packaging is seen as increasingly important  tication in deployment   on feedback from Dscoop’s
        Over two-thirds stated                                           strategies.           over 20,000 members —
      that connected packaging   (50.6 percent), with gamifi-  According to Appetite   The FMCG (36.9 percent)   individuals in every role at
                                                                                               HP  industrial  print  and
      encourages customer loy-  cation proving valuable for  Creative, the landscape of   and marketing/advertising   large format customers and
      alty through personaliza-  engaging younger audi-  connected packaging has   (36 percent) sectors are lead-  partners worldwide. In
                                                                         ing adoption, followed by
      tion, and 59.1 percent find   ences (50 percent). Over 72  undergone significant   retail (21.8 percent), auto-  Long Beach, they’ll come
      that it facilitates direct cus-  percent of companies are   transformation, with a   motive (15.9 percent) and   together to share ideas and
      tomer communication.   currently using connected   notable shift from single-  hospitality (14.5 percent)   strategies, discuss chal-
      Half claim it provides   packaging, which is a drop   technology to multi-tech-  spotlighting broad industry   lenges and opportunities,
      actionable data for market-  year on year from 82 per-  nology approaches. QR   acceptance beyond tradi-  and learn new ways to inno-
      ing and product decisions  cent in 2024.     codes combined with NFC  tional packaging sectors.  vate and advance.
      Mondi’s re/cycle SpoutedPouch                                      ABG to attend at

      replaces plastic tubs for paint                                    Labelexpo Mexico

        Mondi has collaborated                                            AB Graphic International
      with Sherwin-Williams, a                                           (ABG) has confirmed its
      paints and coatings special-                                       plans for Labelexpo Mexico,
      ist,  to  introduce  re/cycle                                      bringing two leading
      SpoutedPouch as a refill                                           machines to the show floor.
      option for its concentrated                                        The company will demon-
      paint, sold on the UK market.                                      strate Digicon Series 3, con-
      Mondi introduced a wider                                           figured for high-end
      spout for easier filling and                                       embellishment, and its
      pouring, while ensuring the                                        Seaming Rewinder from its   ABG confirms participation
      mono-material pouch is                                             shrink sleeve range. The   embellishment, helping
      designed to protect its con-  The durable pouch replaces traditional plastic tubs  event occurs on April 1-3 at   brands create striking, stand-
      tents.                pourability, making it easy to  wider spout making it easier   Expo Guadalajara, Mexico.
        The paint concentrate was   mix with water and create   for Sherwin-Williams to fill   The Digicon Series 3 is a   out labels.
                                                                                                ABG also manufactures
      developed to replace the tra-  the needed amount of paint.   the paint concentrate. It   highly modular machine con-  shrink-sleeve machines. The
      ditional 5-litre pre-mixed   The pouch can be tightly              figured for premium bever-  company is presenting its
      paint in rigid plastic tubs.   closed after usage, preserving   reduces packaging waste,   age labels and high-end   Seaming Rewinder from this
      Consumers are encouraged   any unused concentrate.  provides ease of use to out-  embellishments. This   range, an innovative
      to reuse these tubs to mix the   Mondi worked closely   door painting projects, and   machine showcases a 50t Big   machine with many installa-
      paint concentrate and recy-  with Sherwin-Williams to   minimizes the space needed   Foot hot foil and embossing   tions worldwide, including in
      cle the refill’s packaging. It   deliver a technology tailored   to transport and store paint.   unit, a high-speed screen   South America. This
      comes in a lightweight   to its specific packaging   The condensed size of the   module for varnish and tac-  machine converts flat film
      950ml spouted pouch with   needs.  re/cycle  pouches means 230 percent   tile effects, and a semi-rotary   reels into single or multiple
      instructions for mixing   SpoutedPouch is a pre-made   more units can fit on each   flexo unit. These modules   sleeves, ensuring a reliable
      clearly printed on the side.   pouch made from polyethyl-  pallet compared to regular   offer cutting-edge equipment   weld thanks to ABG’s Smart
      The spout offers excellent   ene mono-material and has a   5-litre pre-mixed paint tins.  that delivers high-quality   Wheel technology.                                                                     March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 19
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