Page 16 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
P. 16


      Vale Press: Intermission as mission

        Vale Press makes                                                 development director for   pages, balancing that with
      Intermission its mission                                           Vale.                 the thickness of the paper –
        It’s rare to see a printed                                        “To be fair, this is one of   in an ideal world, we’d use a
      magazine launch these days                                         the easier runs we do,” said   thicker stock. But we’re
      – but at retro film TV chan-                                       Bone.                 driven by the cost to mail,”
      nel Talking Pictures TV,                                            “It’s five eight-page sec-  explained Algar.
      nostalgia is stock in trade.                                       tions, 40 plates – on and off,   What was the feedback?
        The channel’s latest ven-                                        done! It will be even better in   Six issues in, the monthly
      ture, Intermission, a                                              a few months when we get   has now carved out a follow-
      40-page mailed glossy,                                             our new SRA1 [RMGT] press  ing of loyal subscribers, with
      launched in the spring and                                         – it will halve production   a growing readership each
      has just posted its sixth   6 issues in, it has now carved out a following of loyal subscribers  time.”  issue.
      issue, winning a dedicated                                                                Talking Pictures TV MD
      following among British   Essential Silk from Premier   through a B2 Heidelberg   What challenges were   Sarah Cronin-Stanley said
                            Paper in CMYK, saddle-  Speedmaster XL 75 or CX 75   overcome?
      fans of film and TV history.                                                             Vale Press’ work had been
                            stitched with self-covers, and  UV B2 press before stitching   While the printing is   spotless.
      What was produced?    sent out to subscribers.  on a Duplo DBM-600 or   straightforward, the pres-  “I’ve  never  had  a  print
        The magazine is slim, but   What did the job entail?  Horizon SPF-40 Stitchliner   sures of launching and main-  magazine before, but it’s
      filled with features taking                  III.                  taining a viable print   great – the paper, feel of the
      readers behind the scenes   Once Vale Press receives   “The XL is more suited to   magazine in 2024 are not so.  magazine and artwork – it’s
      and investigating lost clas-  the files from Panacea, it is   the run length but UV is great   For Intermission, the mis-  very high quality work.”
      sics. Printed by Vale Press for   plated on a Kodak   since the sheets come off dry   sion is keeping weight – and   Six issues in, monthly
      design agency Panacea   Trendsetter and run by press  – so ideal for fast turna-  mailing costs – low.  magazine Intermission has
      Creative, the A4 portrait title  operatives Craig Bone and  rounds,” said James Algar,   “We work with the cus-  carved out a following of
      is  printed  on 100gsm  Paul Marley-Boltrum either   marketing and business   tomer to limit the number of  loyal subscribers.

      Moss vamps up Monroe show

        Putting Marylin Monroe                                               text on over 220 caption  collaboration between Moss’
      into print is one thing – who                                      boards printed on heritage   team and its exhibition part-
      on this planet hasn’t seen                                         conservation board.   ners. Scaffolding was rigged
      her face? – but doing her jus-
      tice is quite another.London                                       What did the job entail?  up across the venue and
      Arches’ ‘Marilyn,  The                                              Moss’ SwissQprint Nyala 4   quickly moved, as installers
      Exhibition’ offers a meticu-                                       printed most of the work,   fitted panels and curators
      lously curated collection of                                       producing boards and vinyl   carefully set up each exhibit
      250 personal objects –                                             rolls with help from a Canon
      gowns, letters, photos and                                                               after them. Sustainability
      more – telling the extraordi-                                      Colorado 1650, while the   was a key concern for each
      nary story of a woman who                                          firm’s 5.24m Durst P5 500   party in the busy project, and
      went from foster child, to                                         handled the canvas panels,   Moss worked closely with
      factory worker, pin-up   Over 30 clear and coloured, self-adhesive panels were installed  with panels and fabric cut on
      model, symbol of the sexual                                        a Zünd G3. Fitting the print   exhibition designer
      revolution, and finally   Kilimanjaro Live to produce a   installed throughout the   to Honext carbon-negative,   Studioshaw and the install-
      award-winning method   range of graphics for the   exhibition, guiding visitors to   recycled board, a team of six   ers to get the best results
      actor, before her death at   exhibition that would live up  artefacts framed by four huge   installers from Mitre and   from the innovative Honext
      just 36 years old.    to the superstar’s glamour.  3x3m black-back canvas pan-  Mondays worked swiftly over
        St Neots-based wide-for-  Over 30 clear and col-  els and around 30 3mm alu-  just a few days to get the exhi-  board, which holds a distinct
      mat printer Moss UK was   oured, intricately cut self-  minium composite panels.   bition ready.  texture, carefully sampling
      engaged by events promoter   adhesive panels were  Each exhibit was detailed in   The installation took close   the vinyl.

       16 PrintWeek MENA March 2025                                                      
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