Page 13 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
P. 13


      Konica Minolta reveals                                                                   Kongsberg PCS’
                                                                                               new partner
      shipment dates for C14010S                                                               Cutting Systems has
                                                                                                Kongsberg Precision

                                                                                               appointed Canon UK to dis-
                                                                                               tribute Kongsberg products
        Konica Minolta launched                                           Accordingly the C14010,   across the UK. Starting from
      its new flagship range of col-                                     and sister models, have been   February 2025, Canon UK’s
      our toner production                                               upgraded with a focus on   Large Format Graphics
      presses last month, teasing                                        reduced downtime, better   organisation will promote
      the  C14010S’  arrival in                                          automation, and increased   Kongsberg’s cutters in con-
      Europe later this spring.                                          business opportunities – the   junction with its Arizona flat-
      Shown to the public for the                                        last being the reason for   bed and Colorado roll-to-roll
      first time at North America’s                                      Konica Minolta’s new white   wide-format printers.
      Printing United event in                                           toner channel.         All cutting tables will be
      September 2024, the new                                             Among other upgrades,   installed and serviced by
      range is made up of two                                            the machines have been fit-  Kongsberg’s dedicated UK
      CMYK models, the C12010   The AccurioPress C14010S was first displayed publicly last year  ted with a new generation of   team, who will also offer cus-
      and C14010, and their                                              intelligent media sensor,   tomers ongoing technical,
      CMYK+W counterparts,   the C14010-series through   ment and planning at   which can automatically   application, and mainte-
      C12010S and C14010S.  the development process,   Konica Minolta USA.  sense moisture content,   nance  support.  David
        Due to begin shipments to   we wanted to look at what   “I feel that we have a   paper resistance, stiffness,   Preskett at Kongsberg PCS,
      Europe in mid-April or early   what was happening in the   responsibility to bring prod-  and  –  along  with  atmos-  said: “The appointment of
      May, Konica Minolta yester-  market, what’s happening  ucts that support our cus-  pheric data – select optimum   Canon UK as a Kongsberg
      day showed off the new   for our customers, and what   tomers’ needs not only for   print settings. The new mod-  PCS distributor solidifies our
      machines’ features to a   their requirements are,” said   today, but for where the   els have also been fitted with   commitment to UK custom-
      global press audience.  Jason Dizzine, vice presi-  market is going in the   new high-speed CPUs with   ers across the sign, display
        “When we were looking at   dent of portfolio manage-  future.”   solid-state drives (SSDs)  and packaging industries.
      Scodix and Winter & Company  IGS starts year on a

      partner on embellishments                                          high with 9 shipments

        Digital  embellishment                                            Kit supplier International
      technology specialist                                              Graphic Supplies (IGS) has
      Scodix has partnered with                                          reported a successful start to
      Winter & Company, which                                            2025 after shipping nine
      supplies high-quality cover                                        refurbished thermal CTP sys-
      materials for the publishing                                       tems to sites across the
      industry, on a new initiative                                      world. Since January, the
                                                                         Monmouthshire-based busi-
      that will be showcased at                                          ness has shipped machines
      Hunkeler Innovationdays                                            including two Kodak Magnus
      next week.            It supplies high-quality cover materials for the publishing industry  VLF CTPs to China, a Screen   Peter Flynn, IGS MD
        At the show, held at   (B2) Series and Ultra 6500   strates, preparing the sur-  PT-R-8900 HDS to Jordan,
      Messe Lucerne in      (B1) Series presses offer   face for subsequent   two Screen PT-R-4300-S   ing violet CTP users were
                                                                                               actively looking for an afford-
      Switzerland from 24-27   direct embellishment on an  embellishments like Scodix   machines to Lagos, two   able upgrade path.”Another
      February, Scodix will dem-  expanded selection of pre-  Foil or Scodix Sense. Franz   Screen PT-R-8100 devices to   contributing factor is that
      onstrate its ability to embel-  mium, uncoated substrates.  Repp, EMEA president at   Colombia, a Screen PT-4000   early adopters of thermal
      lish directly on a wide range   Its  Multi-layer  Scodix, said: “This partner-  MkII to Tanzania, and a   CTP  using  Creo
                                                                                               Trendsetters, Lüscher, or
      of Winter & Company’s pre-  Enhancement (MLE) pro-  ship with Winter &   Screen PT-R-4300-E to   BasysPrint UV CTPs are now
      mium materials, including   cess applies multiple Scodix   Company unlocks a new era   Ireland.  looking for faster and fully
                                                                          IGS managing director
      leather and silk, and Winter   layers in a single pass, pro-  of creative possibilities for   Peter Flynn said the compa-  automatic CTP systems. The
      & Company’s wide range of   ducing rich, vibrant effects   premium book producers.  ny’s continued CTP success   shipment to Jordan of the
      branded substrates, includ-  while maintaining a smooth   Winter & Company began   had come about because vio-  PT-R-8900 with multiple
                                                                                               plate automatic loader is a
      ing Skivertex, Napura,   texture. The first layer acts   life in 1892 as a supplier to   let plate options from some   good example, replacing a
      Corvon, and Wibalin.  as a selective micro-coating  the leather goods trade. It is   of the major plate manufac-  2006 Agfa Avalon manual
        Scodix said its Ultra 2500  primer on uncoated sub-  headquartered in Basel.  turers had reduced, and exist-  CTP.”                                                                     March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 13
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