Page 12 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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Valmet to deliver quality DS Smith gets
new president
control system for corrugator announced changes to its
International Paper
executive leadership team.
Tim Nicholls has been
Valmet is to deliver an IQ The delivery will include a named Executive Vice
Quality Control System for Va l m e t I Q Wa r p President and President of
corrugator for optimizing Measurement System for DS Smith, an International
sheet quality to Grupo two stackers, two Valmet IQ Paper company, reporting to
Penha S.A.’s packaging plant Single-Sided Scanners with Chairman and Chief
in Itapira, Sao Paulo state, IR Moisture Measurements, Executive Officer Andy
Brazil. The Penha packaging a Valmet IQ Scanner S with Silvernail.
plant produces corrugated IR Moisture, and MW Total Tim has more than 30
cardboard packaging for Moisture sensors. IQ
various industries. Moisturizer with four spray years of industry experience
The order includes a com- beams will be utilized including a variety of busi-
prehensive package featur- according to measurement ness and finance leadership
ing quality control systems systems for IQ Warp control roles. He has served as the
with three scanners, a mois- CFO of International Paper
turizer system, and auto- and moisture CD profiling since 2018 and also held the
matic warp control and automatically after unwind- CFO role from 2007 to 2011.
moisture profiling for corru- Quality control system for corrugator to Penha in Brazil ers. The automation system From 2014 to 2018, Tim led
gated sheets, enabling the also includes IQ Reporting IP’s Packaging business in
mill to improve productivity roll,” explained Rodrigo us solve, once and for all, the for data collection. North and South America
and end-product quality. Godoy, Project Manager at chronic problem of paper- The start-up of the new and earlier in his career he
“In Brazil, climate condi- Grupo Penha. “We will be board sheet warping and system is scheduled for the
tions vary greatly from one installing this Valmet sys- paper roll moisture profiles third quarter 2025. was based in Europe as the
region to another, making it tem on our brand-new cor- that we have been facing. The Penha Group is one of VP and CFO for IP Europe.
impossible to effectively rugator machine, and we We are confident that this Brazil’s largest producers of He led IP side of the integra-
control the moisture profile hope that Valmet’s technol- will allow us to maximize corrugated cardboard pack- tion planning for combina-
when we receive a paper ogy and know-how will help our production efficiency.” aging. tion with DS Smith.
Fedrigoni acquires minority Voith Paper to
stake in Papkot expand center
The Fedrigoni Group has Voith announced that it is
acquired a minority stake in modernizing and expanding
Papkot, a start-up that has its roll service center in West
developed surface treatment Monroe, Louisiana. The
technology for paper through expansion will be Voith
a cellulose molecular coating
to replace plastic films. Paper’s largest, most recent
Fedrigoni did not disclose investment in North
the amount of the invest- America, underscoring its
ment. firm commitment to the Roll Service Center expansion
Fedrigoni’s investment is future of the paper industry.
in line with its venture capi- The roll service facility first training areas for employ-
tal program launched to opened in 1991. ees. The expansion project is
identify industry-changing expected to begin in mid-
startups that are a proven, The investment will add 2025 and continue through-
industrially scalable reality. needed workspace for con-
Papkot was founded in tinued growth in addition to out the year. The facility will
2020 by Manuel Milliery, Its barrier technology has high resistance to water, grease & oil adding jobs to support the remain fully operational dur-
who is also the company’s local West Monroe econ- ing this time.
CEO. Papkot has research achieves high resistance to recyclable. Founded in 1888 omy. The project will result Voith Paper, part of the
and development hubs in water, grease, oil, or even in Verona, Italy, Fedrigoni is in a faster and more seam- Voith Group, provides a wide
France and China and con- glycerol, and also provides a manufacturer of labels and less service experience, range of technologies, ser-
tract manufacturing part- properties such as transpar- self-adhesive materials, spe- vices, components and prod-
nerships in France, the U.S., ency or other tailored surface expand capacity and
and China. properties. Treated paper cialty papers for packaging enhance logistics processes. ucts, and offers paper
According to Fedrigoni, remains fully biodegradable, and creative communication, The increased space will manufacturers solutions
Papkot’s barrier technology fully compostable, and fully and RFID solutions. also provide additional from a single source.
12 PrintWeek MENA March 2025