Page 7 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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Print HERstory Month 2025
Girls Who Print, a global strategies for forging suc- women worldwide by culti-
nonprofit organization dedi- cessful careers in print, vating a vibrant and support-
cated to advancing the securing supportive male ive global community that
careers and contributions of allies and best ways to drives innovation, fosters
women in the printing and empower the next genera- mentorship and collabora-
graphic communications tion. It will provide a global
industries, has confirmed platform for networking, tion, fuels career growth,
Print HERstory Month, a thought leadership and col- and helps secure the future
campaign fostering aware- laboration. of print.’
ness of women’s contribu- Women in print world- For more information on
tions to the industry. wide are invited to answer Print HERstory Month and
The Printerverse – March the Q&A posted on the to register for the
marks the return of Print The Printerverse – March marks return of Print HERstory Month organization’s, share their International Women’s Day
HERstory Month, an annual stories and reshare the posts
celebration dedicated to Now in its seventh year, highlights the importance of of participants using Conference, visit
amplifying women’s voices Print HERstory Month hon- equity, parity and inclusion #PrintHERstoryMonth
in the printing industry that ors the fierce, fabulous for all. across social channels. Girls Who Print is the
coincides with Women’s females who shape the print- Girls Who Print will host ‘As we celebrate Print world’s largest organization
History Month. ing industry by sharing their an International Women’s HERstory Month, we recog- of women in the print and
Hosted and founded by journeys, challenges, and Day Conference on March 7, nize the progress women graphic communication
Girls Who Print, this year’s triumphs to inspire future from 8 am to 3 pm ET as part have made in print while industry with 11,000+ global
initiative aligns with the generations. of the monthlong celebra- acknowledging the work still members spanning all seg-
United Nations’ 2025 This month-long cam- tion. This free virtual event to be done,’ said Deborah
International Women’s Day paign fosters awareness of will bring together industry Corn, executive director of ments and career paths. The
theme: ‘For ALL Women women’s contributions to leaders, advocates and com- Girls Who Print. ‘This year’s team will be seen worldwide
and Girls: Rights. Equality. the industry through story- munity members to discuss theme resonates deeply with industry events in 2025
Empowerment.’ telling and advocacy and women in the workplace, our mission to empower starting with HID.
BOBST announces the recipients of its Inventor Award 2025
As a global innovation machine. in encouraging and fostering
leader in the packaging Both winning inventions a culture of innovation
industry, BOBST has are closely aligned with within the organization:
announced the recipients of BOBST’s vision for the future
its Inventor Award 2025. of packaging, as they auto- “This is the sixth year that
Recognising drive and inno- mate crucial aspects of the we’re honoring our employ-
vation, the scheme rewards production process, thereby ees, thanking them for their
BOBST employees that have increasing productivity, dedication and help in bring-
been granted a patent in the guaranteeing highest quality,
past year. and reducing waste. ing the BOBST future vision
The winners of the prize Sponsored by CEO Jean- to life. It’s crucial that we
were chosen amongst Pascal Bobst and led by Sigrid continue to cultivate an envi-
numerous patents, judged on Wagner, Group IP Director, ronment of innovation inter-
the potential commercial The award recognises exceptional employee drive and innovation the annual Inventor Award
value, the technical advan- Thomas Hofmann, Lead Mechanical Engineer, and scheme was first established nally, supporting the
tages offered in terms of cre- Optical Microsystem David Guillaume-Gentil, in 2020 with the aim of driv- creation of groundbreaking
ating market differentiation, Engineer, won for their auto- M e c h a n i c a l D e s i g n ing progress in the packaging advancements in packaging
and the scope of marketabil- industry. technology for the benefit of
ity. Two teams were awarded matic inspection system for Engineer, won for the motor- Leonard Badet, Chief our customers, the end con-
the 2025 accolade: checking Braille characters ization of the supporting Technology Officer at
Alexandre de Kalbermatten, during the converting phase. plate positioning in a sheet BOBST, highlighted the sumers and the environ-
Corporate Venture, and Paul Hornick, R&D Senior material processing importance of the initiative ment.” March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 07