Page 6 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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Dubai RTA plans to launch RailBus
Dubai plans to introduce a lic transport network. It also passengers and a maximum
RailBus system in the city, enhances first and last-mile speed of 100 km/h. The inte-
featuring an innovative connectivity, ensuring safe, rior has a modern design,
design, autonomous driving smooth, and sustainable offering spacious passenger
capabilities, and environ- travel for residents and visi-
mentally friendly opera- tors in urban areas.” areas, comfortable seating,
tions. RailBus, a sustainable Al Tayer noted: “RailBus ambient lighting, and
future mass transit system carriages have been designed onboard Wi-Fi.”
powered by solar energy, is and manufactured using cut- Al Tayer added: “RailBus
designed to redefine urban ting-edge, sustainability- stands out for its lower infra-
mobility. A model of the sys- focused technologies. They structure and operational
tem has been displayed at incorporate high-efficiency costs, which are 20-30%
the RTA stand at the World RailBus’ carriages will be built using the 3D printing technology components and systems, lower than comparable
Governments Summit. ensuring maximum safety
His Highness Sheikh Council of Dubai, visited the Strategy 2030, which targets while reducing energy and transport systems.
Mohammed bin Rashid Al stand on Monday and were 25% of all trips in Dubai to maintenance costs. The car- Additionally, its energy costs
Maktoum, Vice President briefed on the project. be autonomous by 2030. riages are built using a scala- are lower due to its reliance
and Prime Minister of the Mattar Al Tayer, Director Al Tayer said: “The project ble design and 3D printing on solar power as the pri-
UAE and Ruler of Dubai, General and Chairman of reflects RTA’s commitment technology, with recyclable mary energy source. The sys-
accompanied by His the Board of Executive to fostering public-private materials that contribute to a tem also features a
Highness Sheikh Hamdan Directors of RTA, said the partnerships and supporting lighter structure, reducing lightweight carriage design,
bin Mohammed bin Rashid system aligns with the UAE start-ups in developing next- the overall weight of the car- built with sustainable, recy-
Al Maktoum, Crown Prince Net Zero Strategy 2050, generation autonomous riage to seven tonnes. Each
of Dubai, Deputy Prime Dubai Net Zero Emissions transport systems. RailBus is carriage measures 11.5 cled materials such as carbon
Minister and Minister of Public Transport Strategy solar-powered, highly effi- metres in length, 2.6 metres fibre, enhancing efficiency
Defence of the UAE, and 2050, and the Dubai cient, and cost-effective, in width, and 2.9 metres in and enabling rapid construc-
Chairman of The Executive Autonomous Transport integrating with Dubai’s pub- height, with a capacity of 40 tion.”
Smithers research charts transition for offset to digital print
Revenues from sheetfed, in 2019 to $898.0 billion in The outlook for digital is
heatset and coldset offset 2024. more positive. Value will
litho are projected to reach Offset was significantly increase at a 4.8% CAGR to
$310.9 billion globally in impacted by this, with major reach $209.1 billion in
2025, according to a new falls in both volume and
report from Smithers, the value of heatset and coldset 2029. Volumes will increase
worldwide authority on the litho, especially for newspa- faster from 1.95 trillion A4
printing industry. Still the per and magazine print. This prints in 2024 to 2.41 tril-
most widely used analog reflects the wider transition lion in 2029. Digital is
print process, offset litho is from physical to electronic directly displacing litho in
facing challenges across media and the trend is set to several applications – nota-
many applications, includ- continue across the rest of
ing competition from digital the decade. Sheetfed litho bly through the use of inkjet
presses where 2025 sales are The Future of Digital vs Offset Printing to 2029 report is now out volumes will grow margin- for print-on-demand books,
projected to be $175.2 bil- quantifies current and put fell from 49.0 trillion A4 ally, with a compound advertising, and transac-
lion. future market volume and equivalents in 2019 to 44.1 annual growth rate (CAGR) tional print. This will be par-
The new report – The value by print process, end- trillion in 2024 and has little of 0.3% pushing volume to tially compensated for by
Future of Digital vs Offset 6.9 trillion A4 prints in new demand for sheetfed
Printing to 2029 – tracks the use application, and region. prospect of recovery to pre- 2029; value will increase at
commercial and technology The economic disruption pandemic levels; across the 1.4% CAGR from $183.3 bil- litho in packaging, but here
outlook for both sectors of Covid-19 has cut print vol- same period value rose only lion in 2024 to $194.5 bil- it is also in competition with
across the next five years. It umes, severely. Global out- slightly from $887.9 billion lion in 2029. gravure and flexo.
06 PrintWeek MENA March 2025