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      Canon strengthens global presence

        Canon showcased its lat-                                         ered a specialized technical   vation. By combining our
      est professional imaging                                           workshop designed exclu-  technological expertise with
      solutions at Integrated                                            sively for systems integra-  strong regional partner-
      Systems Europe (ISE) 2025                                          tors. The session showcased   ships, we’re creating an eco-
      in Barcelona, hosting a dele-                                      Canon’s comprehensive
      gation of key regional cus-                                        integration capabilities with   system that empowers
      tomers from KSA, UAE,                                              third-party solutions,   customers across broadcast,
      Qatar, and Türkiye across                                          including the seamless inte-  security, and production
      broadcast, production,                                             gration of PTZ cameras   sectors to achieve their crea-
      entertainment, and govern-                                         through the XC protocol,   tive ambitions.”
      ment sectors. The compa-                                           emphasizing their versatility   The Canon stand featured
      ny’s presence at the world’s                                       and value in professional AV   innovative zones demon-
      largest AV systems integra-  Canon showcases latest professional imaging solutions at ISE ‘25  installations.  strating integrated solutions
      tion exhibition was high-                                            Binoj Nair, B2B Business
      lighted    by    the  milestone in Canon’s ‘See  cation, government, AV,   Unit Director, Canon   for in-house studio content
      announcement of a strategic   No Limits’ vision for the pro-  and corporate sectors with   Middle East & Türkiye, com-  creation, video conferenc-
      partnership with Innovation   fessional  imaging  sector,   Canon’s innovative imaging   mented: “Our presence at   ing, and hybrid learning.
      Platform Solution (IPS),   which seeks to deliver an  ecosystem. The partnership   ISE 2025 represents a piv-  Through partnerships with
      Saudi Arabia’s leading dis-  integrated ecosystem of pro-  exemplifies Canon’s com-  otal moment in advancing   industry leaders such as Get
      tributor of cutting-edge   fessional imaging solutions.   mitment to delivering seam-  our ‘See No Limits’ vision   Your Studio, Stack Control,
      audiovisual (AV) equip-  This alliance, which   less  workflows and   across the Middle East and   and Tracking Master,
      ment, and demonstrations   emerged from IPS’s partici-  cutting-edge solutions that   Türkiye region. The strate-  Canon showcased how
      of innovative content crea-  pation in Canon’s ground-  empower content creators   gic partnerships we’ve estab-
      tion solutions for corporate   breaking ‘See No Limits’   across the region. As part of   lished, particularly with IPS,   automation can transform
      and education sectors.  launch event last year, com-  its exhibition showcase   validate our commitment to   complex production pro-
        The strategic partnership   bines IPS’s comprehensive   under the theme ‘Stand Out   pushing the boundaries of   cesses into streamlined
      with IPS marks a significant  market coverage across edu-  Made Simple,’ Canon deliv-  professional imaging inno-  workflows.

      BOBST and industry partners showcase next-level innovation

        BOBST, along with lead-                                                  included BOBST’s oneBAR-  approach highlighted how
      ing industry partners, held a                                      RIER technology for recycle-  different technologies can
      successful roadshow event                                          ready mono-material   synergize to create more
      in Turkey, demonstrating                                           substrates for flexible pack-
      latest innovations in flexible                                     aging, as well as digital print-  advanced sustainable pack-
      packaging and labels. The                                                                aging and label solutions.
      two-day event series, held in                                      ing innovations, and the   Interactive sessions
      Istanbul and Gaziantep in                                          BOBST Connect  platform   allowed attendees to explore
      February 2024, brought   BOBST and partners  held a successful roadshow event in Turkey  for enhanced connectivity   the latest BOBST technolo-
      together packaging industry   Pavone, BOBST AFMETR   very  cutting  edge  of  pro-  and workflow optimization.  gies, and automated work-
      professionals from across   Region Business Director.   gress, and why this is so   Industry partners includ-
      the Turkish market to   “By bringing together exper-  important for our custom-  ing UPM, Reifenhäuser,   flow systems. The events
      explore the latest sustaina-                                       Michelman, Esko, Sun   also featured live demon-
      bility-focused solutions and   tise from across the packag-  ers.”  Chemical and Miraclon   strations of BOBST
      digital technologies.  ing value chain, we    The events featured com-  shared insights on develop-  Connect, showcasing how
        “The strong attendance at   demonstrated how collabo-  prehensive technical presen-
      both locations reflects the   ration drives progress in sus-  tations covering the latest   ments ranging from recycla-  digitalization and connec-
      Turkish packaging industry’s   tainable label and packaging   developments in flexible   ble paper-based solutions to   tivity can combine to
      commitment to innovation   solutions. What’s more, we   packaging and label produc-  advanced prepress technolo-  enhance  production  effi-
      and sustainability,” said Eric   showed how BOBST is at the   tion. Key focus areas   gies. The partnership   ciency.

       Editor: Venkat Raghavan +971 55 582 5030/[email protected]. Associate Editor: Dhanya AK. Sales and Marketing Manager: Nidhish PM +971 55 532 2075/[email protected] and
       Dilip Kumar +971 56 893 4924/[email protected]. © Content Media Group LLC. Sharjah Media City, Sharjah, UAE. Email: [email protected] No part of this publication may be reproduced
       without the written permission of the publishers.                                                                     March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 03
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