Page 5 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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BRIEFS New A3+ inkjet printer
BEEAH, a leader in
sustainability and
innovation in the UAE,
has partnered with for photographers
Greenthesis, an Italian
company specializing in
i ndust r i al w a st e Canon has recently
ma nagem ent a n d released the imagePRO-
environmental services,
to develop the Middle GRAF PRO-310, a new inkjet
East’s first polyethylene (PE) film recycling facility in Sharjah. printer for enthusiast pho-
The facility will be located within BEEAH’s integrated waste tographers with 10-colour
management complex in the Al Sajaa area. It aims to pigment ink for A3+ print-
address the challenge of recycling PE film, a lightweight
plastic commonly used in packaging and labels that is ing, which combines high
difficult to recycle and often contributes to environmental photographic image quality,
pollution. The plant will convert the PE film into reusable light-fastness and abrasion
boards, providing a sustainable alternative to plywood for resistance. The Canon
construction projects. Khaled Al Huraimel, Group CEO and imagePROGRAF PRO-310, a
Vice Chairman of BEEAH, highlighted the importance of the Canon has recently released the imagePROGRAF PRO-310 printer
project, stating, “By uniting our expertise on the PE film new product in the large-for-
recycling facility in Sharjah, we will not only tackle the mat inkjet printer series, is a blacks, while significantly not deteriorate easily. As a
challenge of hard-to-recycle waste but also contribute to printer that meets the needs improving the light resist- result, the light resistance of
sustainable infrastructure. This will serve as a model for of photographers who want ance and abrasion resistance printed materials reaches up
tomorrow’s zero-waste cities.” The facility will process more of printed materials, ena-
than 7,000 tonnes of plastic waste annually. to print their photos beauti- to 200 years enabling long-
fully and display them as bling the creation of high- term, archival storage. In
Khalifa Economic Zones works of art for a long time. quality works with rich addition, when printing on
Abu Dhabi – KEZAD By adopting the newly expression and long-term
Group, the largest developed pigment ink storage. The new LUCIA glossy paper, the wax added
operator of integrated to the ink smooths the sur-
and purpose-built LUCIA PRO II1, the PRO PRO II inks, which are com-
economic zones and ETG series achieves outstanding mon to the higher-end mod- face, making the printed
Bio Green Polymer, a photographic image quality, els, use a pigment that is materials highly resistant to
glo b al le ade r i n such as rich colours and deep resistant to UV rays and does abrasion.
sust ai n able
manufacturing have
to establish a state-of-the-art compostable polymers Tetra Pak wins Environmental
announced the signing of a 50-year land lease agreement
factory in KEZAD A (KEZAD Al Ma’mourah). The new facility
manufacturers transition to plastic-free packaging Initiatives Award
will produce 100 percent sustainable polymers, helping
solutions. ETG is investing AED 150 million in the 22,000 sqm
facility reinforcing its commitment to pioneering green Tetra Pak has received the
technologies for its polymers business and contributing to a Environmental Initiatives
circular economy. The plant will manufacture compostable Award at the 2025 SEAL
polymer resin, which will facilitate the packaging industry’s
move toward sustainable solutions. Business Sustainability
Awards for its Approach to
The Central Bank of the Nature framework. The
United Arab Emirates has SEAL (Sustainability,
been awarded the Best Environmental
New Banknote Issue for Achievement and
2025 for the 500 Dirham Leadership) Award recog-
in the Europe, Middle nises Tetra Pak’s framework Approach to Nature framework is recognised as an industry-leading strategy
East, and Africa region. impacts across the value and actions, the framework
The announcement was as an industry-leading exam- chain. This ambitious also addresses supplier and
made during the "High ple of how major companies
Security Printing EMEA" conference held in Basel, Switzerland, can leverage their expertise approach is built upon con- customer nature-related
at the beginning of February 2025. The banknote features a to guide and collaborate crete actions and more than impacts, including those
design that reflects the UAE's journey in the field of with partners throughout 20 measurable targets and connected to packaging end-
sustainability and embodies the Central Bank's strong the value chain to realise of-life.
commitment to promoting sustainable solutions in the their own sustainability practical actions, defining Significant progress has
financial sector. This new recognition is attributed to the goals and address regulatory the company's contribution
CBUAE's implementation of the latest technical specifications to halting and reversing already been made against
and advanced security features. The banknote has three- requirements. the framework. In its own
dimensional designs and the incorporation of advanced Tetra Pak launched its nature loss, supporting the operations, Tetra Pak aims
security technologies. These technologies were previously comprehensive Approach to restoration of ecosystems to reduce total water with-
employed in the award-winning ‘Best New Banknote 2023’ Nature framework in 2024 and enhancing water secu- drawal by 35% by 2030
edition of the AED 1000 banknote.
to address nature-related rity. As well as internal goals (from a 2019 baseline). March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 05