Page 10 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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Strong Q4 for
HP introduces next gen Indigo K&B
supplies closed its 2024 financial
Koenig & Bauer said it
year with “a historically
strong final quarter” as
HP Indigo has used years of research, we’ve
Hunkeler Innovationdays to come up with new supplies, planned in the challenging
introduce its latest genera- both for the CMYK+ and global economic market
tion of consumable supplies the PIP. environment, on the basis of
designed to enhance print “We took the extra invest- its preliminary, unaudited
sustainability and boost pro- figures. The German manu-
ductivity. The company said ment in order to make sure facturer reached all the tar-
the new package would ena- that we are doing the right gets it defined in November
ble Indigo customers to thing for our customers; that 2024 that were required to
reduce their waste and CO2 This will enable Indigo customers to reduce waste, CO2 emission being the improvement in meet its updated full-year
emissions while decreasing the sustainability, and the forecast, the company said
operator workload, without recycling system for the ink sions from supply consump- improvement also in the in a statement.
compromising print quality. carrier. The manufacturer tion for an average job productivity, and each one Its operating EBIT of
The main innovations said this package increases printed on a typical HP of them is supporting both €46.5m (£38.5m)and a
include the CMYK+ with press availability by reduc- Indigo press, the company directions. It’s all around the strong positive free cashflow
new advancements such as a ing the need for replace- added. efficiency of the produc- were achieved in the fourth
higher ink solid concentra- ments with the new Speaking to Printweek in quarter. This resulted in a
tion, the Printing Imaging CMYK+ and PIP+, saving Lucerne yesterday (25 tion.” positive free cashflow for the
Plate (PIP+) with a new for- up to a total of six hours per February), Noam The new supplies have year as a whole, although it
mulation in two key layers, month. The use of the new Zilbershtain, vice president started to be rolled out remained negative at
and the Regenerated supplies package reduces up and general manager at HP already across HP’s Indigo -€35.8m in the first nine
Imaging Oil (RIO), in-press to 16% of the carbon emis- Indigo, said: “After many customer base. months, it said.
Riso celebrates 20 years of Fujifilm to increase
inkjet consumables prices
Riso is marking 20 years Fujifilm has announced
since its entry into inkjet “double digit” price
printing this year. In 2003, increases to a range of its
Riso debuted its first high- consumables and services as
speed inkjet printer that the European market con-
employed industrial inkjet tinues to experience cost
technologies for business use pressures. Although infla-
in the Japanese market. It tionary trends have stabi-
expanded overseas in 2005 lised since last year, the
and said it had been continu- Riso is marking 20 years since its entry into inkjet printing this year Japanese manufacturer said Effective from 01 April 2025
ally advancing its capabilities it remained impacted by
since then. was driven by its founder, offices. This machinery challenges including customers. However, ongo-
The 120ppm Riso HC5500 Noboru Hayama, who involved forcing ink through increased labour costs, ele- ing market pressures leave
was the first model on the believed that people should a stencil onto paper and was vated freight and warehous- us with no option but to
market – the company said always pursue their ideals to seen as an affordable solution ing expenses, sustained revise our pricing structure.
this machine was designed to secure a better future, and to printing and making cop- energy prices, and higher “These adjustments are
familiarise businesses with costs from suppliers, result- necessary to ensure we can
colour printing. this inspired him to name his ies. ing in the need to imple- continue delivering the
Since then, its cold inkjet first mimeograph printing Hayama recognised the ment double digit price quality and reliability our
technology has evolved and company – Ideal became potential in this process, and increases. customers expect. The
increases will vary depend-
Riso now offers a cutsheet Riso in Japanese. his wider family supported Taku Ueno, senior vice ing on the product category
inkjet production printer Before the creation of his vision. The company’s president of Fujifilm and will take effect from 1
that achieves 330ppm inkjet printers or photocopi- later launch of inkjet enabled Graphic Communications, April 2025. Affected cus-
duplex, along with MFD ers, mimeographs were used Riso to continue to grow and Europe, said: “We under- tomers will be informed
printers capable of 165ppm. as a means of duplication, ultimately serve customers in stand that price adjustments directly with detailed infor-
The company said its vision especially in classrooms and 190 countries and regions. can be challenging for our mation.”
10 PrintWeek MENA March 2025