Page 11 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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      InSoft ‘s significantly smarter                                                          Delfort attends

      Imp ganging software                                                                       Specialty papermaker

                                                                                               Delfort has showcased its
                                                                                               lightweight, thin paper range
        InSoft Automation has                                             “The CLI in our version 14   at Hunkeler Innovationdays.
      revamped its dynamic gang-                                         is very comprehensive and   The Austria-headquartered
      ing, imposition and estimat-                                       almost everything that one   group makes papers used in a
      ing software to offer faster,                                      can do using the graphic user   number of niche applica-
      smarter ganging and                                                interface,  can  be  accom-  tions, such as electrical insu-
      enhanced integration with                                          plished with command line   lation, baking and cooking,
      third party MIS and                                                interface, making it a power-  and battery separators.
      improved post-press func-                                          ful tool for automation work-  Its product range also
      tionality. Imp version 14 was                                      flows,” he added.     includes PFAS-free packag-
                                                                          Other upgrades include
      released in January and will                                       ‘Advanced Binderies   ing papers and the Thinprint
      be premiered at Hunkeler                                           Support’ through enhanced   range targeted at publishing
      Innovationdays next week,   InSoft has 500 unique customers of Imp worldwide  marks and smarter planning   applications including direct
      where InSoft is exhibiting.   industry standard HTTP   them to leverage our layout   algorithms, for finishing for   mail and books that typically
      According to Santosh   protocol to enhance integra-  planning engine in the back-  book-of-one, print-on-  require lightweight papers,
      Mulay, vice president –   tion with MIS platforms   ground,” said Mulay.   demand, and short-run jobs,   such as religious texts.
      business development, the   from a wide range of ven-  Another significant   ‘Priority-Based Planning’ that   Thinprint also includes
      latest iteration of Imp offers  dors.        enhancement is around   uses optimised ganging algo-  inkjet treated papers suitable
      “significantly smarter gang-  “Cloud-based MIS and   Imp’s IMPCmd CLI, which   rithms that can prioritise   for mono and full-colour
      ing results which directly  workflow solutions will find   is a command-line interface   delivery schedules, ‘Block   printing using pigment and
                                                   that enables users to sim-
      translates into material and  it significantly easier to inte-  plify and automate processes   Ganging’ to simplify cutting   dye ink systems. Delfort said
      time savings”.        grate  with  version  14,   with simple scripts. It is   workflows by grouping jobs   the papers boasted a unique
        One of the key upgrades to  enhancing our appeal to   described by Mulay as “ele-  with the same trim size, and   surface treatment and prim-
      the platform is REST API  cloud-based solutions pro-  gant and highly automata-  customisable ‘Overrun   ers or bonding agents were
      integration, which uses  viders and encouraging   ble”.            Controls’ to minimise waste.  not required.
      Cerm boosts cloud offering                                         Hunkeler

      with Omikai Systems buy                                            Innovationdays ‘25

                                                                          Hunkeler Innovationdays
        MIS supplier Cerm aims                                           2025 ended in Lucerne that
      to fast-track its cloud offer-                                     found the show in rude
      ing after acquiring Swedish                                        health, with the slightly
      developer Omikai Systems.                                          tweaked format a hit with
      Cerm specialises in solu-                                          many visitors and exhibi-
      tions for the labels and pack-                                     tors. The four-day specialist
      aging markets. Omikai has                                          Swiss trade show closed its
      developed a native cloud-                                          doors on 27 February, two   Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025
      based MIS that Cerm                                                years after the previous out-  The event attracted 120
      described as “state-of-the-                                        ing of what has traditionally   exhibitors – 20 more than
      art”.                 Omikai’s modular platform involves an “API first” approach  focused on continuous-feed   the previous event in 2023 –
                                                                         inkjet but this year added a
        Belgium-based Cerm has   believe our companies have  business, growing our joint
      also been developing its own   a similar vision, customer  team, and expanding our   raft of additional technolo-  and 6,800 visitors had been
                                                                         gies to the mix – including
                                                                                               expected across the four
      cloud-based system for the   focus and culture.  product offering.”  more sheetfed printers than
      past four years, and said the   “Joining forces will   The Omikai modular plat-  ever before.  days.
      Omikai buy would acceler-  strengthen our cloud prod-  form involves an “API first”   This was partly facilitated   Notable launches, product
      ate this development.  uct development and create   approach. It has an intuitive   by the increased space avail-  enhancements, and first
        Cerm CEO Jan Heyse   additional value for our cus-               able to exhibitors, as cater-  showings – many already
      commented: “We have been   tomers. We welcome the   interface  and  spans “the   ing  was moved from its   covered by Printweek – came
      strongly impressed with the   entire Omikai team to Cerm   entire administrative work-  traditional spot at the back   from the likes of HP,
      cloud MIS product and ser-  and eagerly look forward to  flow” including ecommerce,   of Hall 1 to the previously   CoCoCo, Insoft Automation,
      vice offering of Omikai and   further accelerating the  CRM, estimating and so on.  unused Hall 3.  Riso, and IBIS.                                                                     March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 11
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