Page 9 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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Online Print Symposium 2025
The first keynote speaker hardware and services. At another market, the United
and speakers for the Online OPS, his focus will be on rev- Kingdom to be precise. As
Print Symposium 2025 have olutionizing the industry - CEO of Onlineprinters and
been announced. This year’s after all, mass customization Solopress, Simon Cooper is a
OPS, which will take place and inkjet will set the pace true force in the interna-
on 3 and 4 April at the for the market in the future. tional online print industry.
Science Congress Center But no implementation is
Munich, will once again possible without the right On the OPS stage, he will
attract the international team. talk about how automation
who’s who of the online In his keynote speech, and cultural transformation
print world to Munich with entitled “Technology is noth- led Solopress to be named
its keynotes, presentations, ing without people - Europe’s “Print Company of the Year
exciting start-ups and The OPS will begin its 12th round on 3 and 4 April, 2025 in Munich opportunity in digital print- 2024” by the trade magazine
numerous partners. ing”, Gamper will share his Printweek and how innova-
The leading event will intuitive, agile and cross- Co-Owner of Durst Group experiences, thoughts and tions are implemented at
focus on the mega trends of media way. Numerous AG from Brixen, as a keynote principles. In his presenta- Onlineprinters. In the con-
2025: mass customization in renowned speakers will be speaker for the OPS. Since tion, he will shed light on text of customer centricity,
combination with artificial addressing what is needed joining the South Tyrolean how digital printing not only social commerce has
intelligence are the key to for this on the OPS stage - machine manufacturer in follows trends through per- become indispensable. As an
true customer centricity. If the OPS will once again ful- 2013, Christoph Gamper has sonalization, precision and entrepreneur, content crea-
you want to remain at the fill its promise to the driven Durst’s transforma- sustainability, but also shapes
forefront of the print indus- industry as an important tion from a traditional them. He will explain why tor and storyteller, Florian
try in the future, you need to source of inspiration. mechanical engineering now is the right time for Hommeyer will share on the
harness the transformative The organizers are particu- company to a fully integrated Europe to lead rather than OPS stage his ruthlessly hon-
power of artificial intelli- larly proud that they were solution provider that covers wait. est experiences of building
gence in order to respond to able to secure visionary the entire value chain of digi- This year’s line-up also several profitable online
customer needs in a more Christoph Gamper, CEO and tal production with software, includes a perspective from businesses.
PRS Europe Publishes Full Programme for 2025 Conference
The full conference pro- Drew and Procter & ered in depth will be the
gramme for this year’s Gamble’s Technical Director market outlook as well as
Plastics Recycling Show - R&D Packaging future challenges and trends
Europe, taking place at RAI Sustainability, Gian De in achieving recycled con-
Amsterdam, the Netherlands Belder. tent goals.
from 1-2 April 2025, has Interactive panel discus-
been published. The keynote This year, the two-day con-
session will include an ference programme will take sions moderated by
address by Teresa Ribera place in Halls 1 and 5 at RAI European plastics recycling
Rodríguez, Executive Vice- to welcome the increasing experts will examine the
President for a Clean, Just number of visitors. The pro- global roadmap for plastics
and Competitive Transition, gramme includes core ses- recycling, strategies to scale
European Commission. The global exhibition will be held in Netherlands, on 1-2 April, 2025 sions on overcoming the up collection and sorting,
Marieke Koekkoek, Member challenges in EU plastic recy- traceability in recycled con-
of the House of value chain in Europe and Speakers representing cling, unlocking key legisla- tent, and the latest innova-
Representatives of the beyond will set the scene in major European and global tive files for the sector such as tions in recycling
Netherlands, Volt Nederland the event’s two theatres. brands include IKEA’s Raw
will be joining the keynote the Packaging and Packaging technologies. Visit the PRS
session on the first day as Registration for the confer- Material Leader Plastics and Waste Regulation (PPWR), Europe website to register to
well. More than 60 speakers ence and exhibition is free Chemical, Therese Litsin; and building synergies attend the exhibition and
covering all the key issues until 1 March 2025 and will Aldi’s Global Circular between mechanical and conference. www.prseven-
facing the plastic recycling be charged at €50 thereafter. Packaging Manager, Hannah chemical recycling. Also cov- March 2025 PrintWeek MENA 09