Page 8 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
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      Packaging Innovations &                                                                  Training course
                                                                                               held in Cairo

      Empack 2025 concludes                                                                      The Chamber of Printing

                                                                                               & Packaging Industries of the
                                                                                               Federation of Egyptian
        The success of Packaging                                         say, “It has been a Herculean   Industries (FEI) organised a
      Innovations & Empack 2025                                          effort involving politicians,   three-day training course
      continues to resonate across                                       officials, packaging industry   titled ‘Managing and
      the industry, with many still                                      representatives, and other   Resolving Challenges in
      reflecting on what has been                                        stakeholders from across the   Offset Printing’ at the FEI
      hailed as the most successful                                      UK. I can think of no better   headquarters in Cairo on 4
      edition in the event’s history.                                    event to launch PackUK, and   February, 2025. The training
      With a record-breaking 7,424                                       I look forward to healthy dis-  was in direct response to the
      unique visitors, the show has                                      cussions with the many value   growing needs of the sector
      further cemented its position                                      chain professionals attend-  to improve performance,
      as the UK’s leading platform                                       ing.”                 enhance operational effi-
      for packaging innovation,                                           On the second day, the   ciency, and upskill workers
      sustainability, and business   Packaging Innovations & Empack 2025 delivered a great event  conversation developed as   to face technical challenges,
      growth.               sions, attendees gained valu-  Scheme Administrator, and   Mary Creagh MP, Minister   while achieving the highest
        Bringing together more  able insights into emerging   featuring high-profile gov-  for Nature, DEFRA, chaired a   standards of quality and
      than 450 exhibitors and  trends, regulatory develop-  ernment representatives, set   panel addressing pEPR’s   keeping pace with the rapid
      thousands of industry profes-  ments, and innovative solu-  the stage for the scheme’s   financial implications for   technological advancements
      sionals, the two-day event  tions.           implementation and impact   SMEs and the importance of   in the printing industry.
      showcased cutting-edge   A key moment of the event   on businesses.  collaboration across the   The course incorporated
      technology, sustainable solu-  was the first-ever stakeholder   Shane Doris, Director of   value chain. Creagh empha-  several key topics related to
      tions, and vital discussions  presentation of PackUK, the   Environmental Resources   sised the UK is undergoing a   offset printing, including
      signposting the future of  administrator of the UK’s   Policy Division at the   major system change and   types of substrates and their
      packaging. With a packed  new pEPR Scheme. The dis-  Department for Agriculture   industry involvement will be   impact on the print quality,
      conference agenda featuring  cussion, led by Sebastian   and Rural Affairs, Northern   key  to ensuring effective   properties and applications
      96 speakers across 32 ses-  Munden, Chair of the EPR   Ireland took to the stage to   delivery.  of inks.
      WEPACK 2025’s Packaging                                            Print UV 2025

      Exploration Journey                                                Conference

                                                                          The Print UV 2025
        With the rapid rise of                                           Conference is set to take
      China’s manufacturing                                              place March 10-12 at the lux-
      industry, the packaging sec-                                       urious Encore by Wynn Las
      tor in China has been devel-                                       Vegas, promising to be the
      oping at an increasingly                                           most dynamic and innovative
      swift pace.                                                        gathering yet for the UV   Print UV 2025 to be held soon
        As a premier global pack-                                        printing industry. With the
      aging event, WEPACK,                                               theme “Expanding the   hands-on workshops, and
      organized by RX, showcases                                         Gamut,” this year’s event will   unparalleled  networking
      leading enterprises across                                         feature groundbreaking   opportunities with top UV
      the entire packaging value   The research tour will take place from April 6 to 13, 2025  advancements in UV print-  printers, technology provid-
      chain, from raw materials   packaging. These partici-  Enterprises’ Business Study   ing technology, including   ers, and embellishment
      and processing equipment   pants not only seek trade  Tour to China”. The organ-  expanded color possibilities,   experts. Attendees will also
      to production processes and   partnerships but also aim to   izers of this event will col-  AI-powered efficiencies, and   hear from featured speakers
      finished products. Each edi-  learn advanced technologies   laborate with outstanding   the debut of exciting new   representing industry lead-
      tion attracts nearly 10,000   and innovative concepts              tracks like Digital UV
      overseas packaging compa-  from Chinese enterprises.  exhibitors from East China,   Embellishments, moderated   ers, including experts from
      nies, agents, and associa-  To strengthen the com-  South  China,  and  North   by Taktiful Software.  Westrock, Koenig & Bauer,
      tions from over 110    munication bridge between   China to design 6 custom-  Print UV 2025 continues   INX  International,  GEW,
      countries and regions, cov-  overseas attendees and   ized routes based on market   its tradition of fostering col-  IST Metz along with
      ering sectors such as corru-  Chinese enterprises,   segmentation. Each group   laboration and learning by   Benford, KURZ, Huber
      gated boxes, folding carton   WEPACK 2025 will launch  will have a capacity of 30   offering attendees access to   Group, K LAZER and more,
      boxes, printing, and food   the “Overseas Packaging  participants.  industry-leading sessions,   who will share insights.
      08 PrintWeek MENA March 2025                                                      
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