Page 18 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
P. 18


      Armor Group gets                                                   IN BRIEF

                                                                          Inno v i a F ilms  h a s
                                                                          announced  the wider
      EcoVadis Gold medal                                                 launch of the next-genera-
                                                                          tion shrink sleeve made out
                                                                          of recycling-friendly poly-
                                                                          olefin (PO) material. It offers
                                                                          shrinkage of up to 73 percent
        Armor Group has been                                              to fit most packaging shapes
      honored with the EcoVadis                                           and detaches automatically
      Gold medal for the fifth year                                       during recycling. The sleeve
      running, a prestigious acco-                                        is crafted from a low-density polyolefin material that
                                                                          floats, facilitating the essential sink/float separation pro-
      lade  that  underlines  the                                         cess in PET recycling. During this process, the heavier PET
      group’s commitment to cor-                                          flakes sink to the bottom of the container, while the
      porate social responsibility                                        floatable sleeve material rises to the top, where it can be
      (CSR). EcoVadis, a provider                                         easily collected and removed. This efficient separation
                                                                          results in high-quality, clean PET flakes suitable for recy-
      of CSR performance ratings   This distinction applies to the entire group covering all its activities  cling back into food-grade packaging for the dairy and
      for companies, evaluates the                                        other industries. ‘The improvement of this high-shrink
      quality of the CSR manage-  areas for improvement and   an integral part of our corpo-  version of our RayoFloat shrink sleeve enables our cus-
      ment system through compa-  translating them into an   rate culture at Armor. We   tomers to switch from PVC or PET-G shrink sleeve that are
                                                                          detrimental to recycling, to a recycling-proof and more
      nies’ policies, initiatives, and   action plan. This approach   call this commitment   sustainable option made from polyolefin. This material is
      results. Armor Group   uses data monitoring and   Socially  Responsible   certified by recyclers and has been endorsed by RecyClass
      achieved an overall score   analysis to provide an over-  Innovation’.   in Europe and APR in the US,’ said Lucija Kralj, business
      above 65/100, earning this   view of the group’s perfor-  This Gold medal is recog-  unit director for labels in EMEA at Innovia Films. The
                                                                          sleeve is also available in a low-density white version,
      gold medal. This rigorous   mance in terms of societal   nition of Armor Group’s   known as RayoFloat WAPO.
      evaluation uses a platform   innovation, both socially and  ongoing efforts to integrate
      shared by 65,000 clients in   environmentally, as well as   social responsibility into its   Natalii, one of Poland’s lead-
                                                                          ing label manufacturers, has
      160 countries and 200 differ-  its societal involvement.  daily operations and to make   upgraded its Nilpeter FA-17
      ent industries.         Hubert de Boisredon, CEO   a positive  contribution  to   flexo press to increase pro-
        Since 2011, Armor Group   of Armor, stated: ‘The 21st-  society and the environment.   duction speed and efficiency.
      has implemented a CSR self-  century company must be   It is a major step that rein-  With the investment, the
                                                                          company aims to deliver
      assessment and a values-  committed, or cease to exist.   forces the group’s position as   high-quality labels and stay
      based approach, identifying   Social responsibility is now  a leader in the field of CSR.  ahead in a competitive mar-
                                                                          ket. Natalii was founded in 1985 in Poland. Focusing on
      Parkside develops compostable                                       innovation and quality, the company has clients in key sec-
                                                                          tors such as food processing, cosmetics, automotive, and
                                                                          pharmaceuticals. Today, many of its products are exported
      pack for Datekin Sukkari                                            to other EU countries. Nilpeter and Natalii have enjoyed a
                                                                          close collaboration for many years. Their oldest Nilpeter
                                                                          press, an FA-2500, was installed in 2000 and is still opera-
                                                                          tional today. In total, Natalii currently operates 10 Nilpeter
        Sustainable flexible pack-                                        presses. The primary objective of the recent upgrade was to
      aging specialist Parkside has                                       increase the operational speed of the FA-17 press, which
      partnered with premium                                              previously operated at 50-55 meters per minute for this
      snack producer Lama to                                              specific heat-shrink-sleeve job.
      develop a certified home                                            Ma rket  resea rch   f irm
      compostable flexible pack for                                       Keypoint Intelligence has
      Datekin Sukkari dates. The                                          appointed Mark Boyt as
      compostable packaging,                                              principal analyst for produc-
      which is guaranteed to break                                        tion workflow software. Boyt
      down in 26 weeks in domes-                                          has extensive experience in
                                                                          software marketing, busi-
      tic compost heaps and within   The packaging is guaranteed to break down in 26 weeks  ness development and
      12 weeks in an industrial                                           workflow automation, hav-
      composting facility, creates a   Staci Bye, sales account   compostable pack is the ideal   ing spent several years leading global marketing initia-
      sustainable wrapper for   manager at Parkside, said:   complement for a natural,   tives at Xerox. As global head of software marketing, he
                                                                          was key in launching new software, developing go-to-
      Datekin’s individual 60g por-  ‘Consumers increasingly   healthy snack product like   market strategies and supporting digital advancements
      tions of Sukkari dates. The   expect brands to back up   dates.     across global markets. His deep knowledge of workflow
      cradle-to-cradle packaging   what they say when it comes   The pack is made using   software, sales support and partner networks will be
      design synergizes with   to sustainability messaging.   Parkside’s Park2Nature   valuable in his new role. As principal analyst, Boyt will
      Lama’s sustainability messag-  Packaging is the perfect             focus on examining market trends, assessing new tech-
                                                                          nologies, and providing practical guidance to help clients
      ing, complementing the all-  medium to demonstrate   material, which consists of   improve their production workflow processes. His ability
      natural dates with a pack that  those sustainable principles   layers of cellulose-based   to break down complex software developments into use-
      breaks down into natural   in a way that consumers can   material augmented with   ful business strategies will further strengthen Keypoint
      materials.            easily engage with, and a   water-based barrier coatings.   Intelligence’s role as a trusted industry resource.
       18 PrintWeek MENA March 2025                                                      
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