Page 26 - PWM2025_MARCH EBOOK
P. 26


      Do good and share with

      others                                                                cated charity – The Printing Charity.

                                     t’s notable that the foundations of the three
                                                                             Set up in 1827 as the Printers’ Charitable Corporation
                                     Abrahamic religions – Christianity, Islam and
                                     Judaism – are each bedded on doctrines that require
       So it’s good to be       I                                           by George and Charles Searle and their employer, John
                                                                            King, an independent printer, in the Kings Head Tavern
                                     their adherents to do good for others.
       charitably minded.             But the purpose of this story is not to philoso-  in Poultry, London, it is one of the oldest benevolent char-
       It’s good for the soul,       phise about religious teachings. Rather, it’s to   ities in the UK.
       is great for workplace   show that being charitable can be good for the soul (and   Its stated goals are “to provide practical, emotional &
       morale and team-         good for business too).                     financial support for people in print, paper, packaging,
       building, and let’s be    The urge to be charitable is strong in the UK. According   graphics and publishing”.
                                                                             And it does this through a free employee helpline;
       clear, it’s excellent to   to the Charity Commission, at the end of 2024, in round   financial support for living costs; independent living at
                                numbers, there were 170,700 charities in the UK along
       give more to society     with 14,100 other linked organisations. The sector   two retirement homes that are part of the Almshouse
       than we take. And it’s   employs some 1.1m people assisted by 6.4m volunteers   Association; and helping grow the sector’s emerging
       one of the little        and 924,500 trustees. Notably, it had income of £98.3bn   young talent with skills training and development.
       things the differenti-   – yes, that’s right, turnover was not far off a hundred bil-  In 2023 the charity nationally spent £3m helping those
       ates a civilised society   lion pounds .                             who work or have worked in the sector through 835
                                 And many in the world of print have seen the value of
       from one that is both    being charitable with reasons given that align with those   instances of grants and support.
                                                                             Printweek wanted to understand what organisations in
       selfish and anarchic.    noted by the Charities Aid Foundation – that charity   the sector are themselves doing to further the cause of
                                makes us feel good, strengthens personal values, tax relief   charity. And as we discovered, they’re doing quite a bit.
       Words by                 improves the impact of giving, it rubs off on others, and
       Adam Bernstein           importantly, it can build and strengthen communities.   CIM Signs & Graphics
                                Not unsurprisingly the world of print has its own dedi-  Mark Baker, managing director at CIM Signs &

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