Page 11 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
P. 11


                                                                                               9th Paper Week
      Paperworld Middle East adds  held

      new packaging section                                                                      The 9th edition of Paper

                                                                                               Week, the flagship event for
                                                                                               Paper & Tissue One Show,
        Paperworld Middle East                                           vide a comprehensive plat-  took place from 19-22
      returns for its 13th edition                                       form for industry players to   September, 2024, at the lux-
      from 12-14 November, 2024,                                         showcase and explore the lat-  urious Limak Cyprus Deluxe
      adding  a  new Kraft &                                             est advancements, fostering   Hotel in Bafra, Turkish
      Packaging section that fea-                                        collaboration and discussions   Republic of Northern
      tures a variety of kraft papers,                                   on environmental sustaina-  Cyprus. The symposium
      sustainable packaging mate-                                        bility and technological inno-  brought together key players
      rials, and cutting-edge print-                                     vations. The Kraft &   from the paper, tissue, and
      ing techniques that produce                                        Packaging zone will feature   pulp industries, gathering
      exceptional quality while                                          16 exhibitors, including   more than 195 participants
      minimizing environmental                                           APRIL Fine, Asia Paper Bag   from 110 companies across
      impact.                                                            Co. Ltd., Bloomfield Paper   27 countries. The event
        Market research  firm   Paperworld Middle East returns for its 13th edition in November ‘24  Factory WLL, Habras   showcased the vibrant and
      Mordor Intelligence esti-  Syed Ali Akbar says,   audience.”       International, The Navigator   innovative spirit of the sec-
                                                                                               tor, with sponsors and par-
      mates that the kraft and pack-  “Paperworld Middle East has   Kraft paper is a durable,   Company,  and ROXCEL   ticipants driving  forward
      aging paper market in the  introduced the Kraft &   eco-friendly packaging mate-  Trading.  new ideas, and partnerships.
      Middle East and Africa is  Packaging section to meet   rial made from wood pulp,   One of the key product   Chemical companies
      poised to reach $10.6 billion  the rising demand for the   which produces strong, tear-  ranges showcased is The   Akkim Kimya and Caran
      by 2025, indicating signifi-  segment as the industry shifts   resistant paper. Widely used   Navigator Company’s   Kimya, who were the main
      cant regional market poten-  towards adopting more sus-  in the packaging industry due   gKRAFT, made from virgin   and entertainment sponsors
      tial.                 tainable materials and prac-  to its versatility, recyclability,  Eucalyptus globulus fibres.   respectively, played a signifi-
        Commenting on the new  tices. This new addition   and cost-effectiveness, kraft   The fibre can have two to six   cant role in making the sym-
      addition, Paperworld Middle  broadens the event’s scope,   paper is biodegradable and   more recycling cycles than   posium a success. The B2B
      East and Gifts & Lifestyle  showcasing the full spectrum   can easily be recycled. The   other wood types and is more   meetings were highly pro-
      Middle East show director  of paper products to a global   innovative section will pro-  compostable.   ductive.
      Textile Printing &                                                 Brother installs PV

      Sustainability Conference                                          system

                                                                          Brother Internationale
        The Textile Printing &                                           Industriemaschinen GmbH,
      Sustainability (TPS)                                               Brother’s industrial products
      Conference, scheduled to be                                        arm in the EMEA region, has
      held at Radisson Blue                                              installed a photovoltaic (PV)
      Conference Hotel in                                                system on one of its ware-
      Düsseldorf on 15-16                                                house roofs in Emmerich am
      October,  2024,  has                                               Rhein. In combination with
      announced its final pro-  TPS will be held at Radisson Blue Conference Hotel in Düsseldorf  new charging stations for   Brother embraces sustainability
      gramme. The second edition                                         electric vehicles, Brother is
      of the conference will focus   post-treatment), the print-  ogy, automation, and eco-  actively shaping its energy   relying on a clean energy sup-
      on sustainable and innova-  ing process itself (inks and  friendly business strategies   future and making a signifi-  ply. Company sources have
      tive practices within the tex-  equipment), as well as print-      cant contribution to climate   revealed that this will help
      tile industry, aiming to align   ers, value added resellers,   featuring keynote addresses   protection.   them avoid 39,878 kg of CO
      with the European Green                      and expert presentations.   The PV system has a total   emissions annually, thereby
      Deal. The TPS Conference   and brand owners. From   Some of the prominent   module capacity of 99 kWp.   having a positive impact on
      takes a maximally wide   material science, through   speakers include Andreas   A total of 228 PV modules   the environment. The new
      angle on the market and   print systems, to micro-fac-  B ay e r,  D r.  D a n ie l   were installed covering a PV   charging stations for electric
      technology evolution.  tories, and finishing – TPS                 generator area of 455.6 m²   cars are part of the compa-
         The conference covers   brings together all those   Wa t e rk a m p ,  D a v i d   with a self-consumption rate   ny’s promotion of electromo-
      the entire supply chain,   who drive change and con-  S w e e t n a m , D e bb i e   of 58.9%. The installation   bility. These measures
      involves manufacturers of   tribute to innovation.   Mckeegan, Dr. Judith Deriu,   will enable the company to   represent a  contribution to
      products which support the   The two-day event will  Stefan Schmidt, and   cover a large portion of its   the Brother Group
      handling of fabrics (pre- and   host discussions on technol-  designer Samira Lafkioui.  energy needs independently,   Environmental Vision 2050.                                                                    October 2024 PrintWeek MENA 11
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