Page 12 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
P. 12


      Mutoh launches first                                                                     Continental to
                                                                                               stop production
      integrated printer/cutter                                                                down its industrial rollers
                                                                                                Continental is set to wind
                                                                                               and sleeves business, which
                                                                                               manufactures products for
        Mutoh Europe has intro-                                          received its EMEA debut at   the printing industry, by the
      duced its  first-ever inte-                                        The Print Show, which took   end of this year.
      grated print and cut device.                                       place earlier this month at   The German business said
      The XpertJet C641SR Pro, a                                         the NEC in Birmingham. It   its ContiTech division’s mar-
      24-inch (630mm) wide                                               was shown on the stand of   ket had been difficult for a
      printer, is said to offer pre-                                     Graphtec  GB,  Mutoh’s   number of years due to cost
      cise contour-cut and                                               exclusive UK and Ireland
      through-cut functionality                                          distributor.          and competitor pressures,
      and integrates a Mutoh                                              Lawrence Hebron, Mutoh   and that a cost-cutting pro-
      AccuFine 1600 nozzle print-  The machine offers quality production print speed of 6.5sqm/hr 600x900dpi  product manager for   gramme initiated in 2021
      head, enhancing both print   hr at 600x900dpi, the   VerteLith. The device inte-  Graphtec GB, said the   had not delivered the hoped
      quality and productivity.  printer/cutter uses Mutoh’s   grates a drag knife cutting   device was a “high-quality   for turnaround. The unit
        The manufacturer said the   Greenguard Gold certified   head for precise contour and   and great-value machine   manufactures flexo sleeves
      device was ideal for desktop   MS31/MS51 inks, which are  through cutting. Two adjust-  that will suit many print,   and rollers for offset, flexo
                                                                         sign, and promotional
      use but could also be   suited for a wide variety of  able pressure arms allow it   graphics companies’ work-  and gravure presses, as well
      equipped with a stand on   outdoor and indoor graph-  to accommodate various   flows”.   as application rollers for
      caster wheels and an auto-  ics.             media width ranges. A built-  The XpertJet C641SR Pro   post-press kit including lam-
      matic roll-up device for   Engineered and assem-  in grit roller ensures accu-  will become available later   inators and hotmelt glue sys-
      added versatility.    bled in Japan, the XpertJet   rate media transport and   this year through Mutoh   tems. Around 20 staff based
        Offering a quality produc-  C641SR Pro runs with   alignment.    certified distributors and   in   Waltershausen,
      tion print speed of 6.5sqm/  Mutoh’s RIP software   The XpertJet C641SR Pro  partners.   Thuringia, will be affected.
      Heidelberg puts Jetfire                                            HP rolls out large-

      through its paces in UK                                            format AEC launches

        Heidelberg UK hosted a                                            HP Large Format  has
      customer event that featured                                       introduced a series of new
      a livestream demonstration                                         products and upgrades that
      of its Drupa-launched Jetfire                                      it said would help boost pro-
      50 B3 inkjet press and offered                                     ductivity within the AEC
      deep-dives into how automa-                                        (Architects, Engineering,
      tion powers its digital and                                        and Construction) industry
      post-press kit. Heidelberg UK                                      and allow for greater collab-
      head of software solutions                                         oration. During the HP
      Paul Chamberlain hosted the   a livestream demonstration of its Drupa-launched Jetfire 50 B3  Imagine conference on 24   Enrique Lores, president & CEO
      one-day event.                                                     September, the manufac-
        He used his welcome to   these three concepts have a   banner  format,  new  user   turer unveiled HP Build   introduces features like a
      highlight Heidelberg   common theme: Prinect,”   interface, additional air   Workspace, an AI-powered   30% improvement in print
      research on some of the chal-  said Chamberlain. “The   knives and broader substrate  platform that HP said   accuracy, smart navigation,
      lenges facing customers,   Prinect integrated workflow   choice.   bridges the gap on construc-  safety stop technology, and
      detailing how the event’s aim   this links all the departments   There were also live dem-  tion productivity with end-  shadowing.
                                                                                                Additionally, HP said it is
      was to address the top three   in to create a starting point   onstrations of the Compucut  to-end digitisation and   working with large HP
      responses in the survey:   for autonomous production.”  automated cutting pro-  seamless collaboration for   SitePrint customers on a
      retention of skills, automa-  The subsequent sessions   gramme creation on a Polar   enhanced productivity   proof-of-concept to check
      tion and competitor pres-  demonstrated  digital,   92 Plus, showing  how it   within AEC.  surface flatness, which will
      sure.                 through Digital Print                         It also introduced HP   be available as a subscription
        “Heidelberg bought you   Manager, and hybrid work-  walks the operator through   SitePrint’s new Value Pack   service in selected markets
      Push to Stop, we also bought   flows with live dems on the   even the most complex cut   3.0 Upgrade Kit, a suite of   by 2025. A redesigned 2025
      you Smart Print Shop, and at  latest Versafire LP, highlight-  patterns to boost productiv-  new features designed to   Edition of HP’s DesignJet
      Drupa the theme was Unfold  ing some of its updated fea-  ity,  and  the  Stahlfolder  boost productivity and oper-  T200/T600 printer series
      Your Potential and all of   tures such as extended   TH66.         ational autonomy. This   was also launched.
      12  PrintWeek MENA October 2024                                                    
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