Page 13 - PWM2024_OCTOBER EBook
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      Connectivity platform CoCoCo                                                             Northside

      grows integrations                                                                       added long sheet printing to
                                                                                                 Northside Graphics has

        Connectivity platform                                            Ultimate.” Regarding take-  its in-house capabilities after
      CoCoCo has expanded its                                            up by printcos, Ciz told   investing in a Xerox Iridesse
      number of integrations with                                        Printweek: “We have a   digital press.
      a new partnership with                                             range of Beta customers run-  The Belfast-based digital
      Ultimate Tech.Canada-                                              ning in the USA and Europe,   printing specialist installed
      headquartered Ultimate                                             and think we’ll be able to   the four-colour device over
      Tech provides specialist soft-                                     bring the wider platform to   the summer.
      ware  tools that automate                                          the general print market in   Managing director
      imposition, job nesting, cut-                                      February, just a few short   Richard Campbell said the
      ting and post-press tasks. Its                                     months away.          firm had previously out-
      flagship product is Ultimate                                        “We have a waiting list   sourced long sheet work, but
      Impostrip, which dates back                                        that people can subscribe to   that side of the business had
      to 1989 and lays claim to   Ultimate Tech software will be available “soon” to customers  if they are interested in tak-  grown sufficiently to justify
      being the first digital imposi-  and machine on-site or in   option, which works seam-   the £120,000 investment.
      tion system.          the cloud”.            lessly alongside other inte-  ing a closer look at the time.”  “It became a no-brainer to
        CoCoCo was founded by   Thirdly, CoCollab will   grations, with minimal   Ultimate Tech CEO Julie
      three former Zaikio execu-  enable rule-based job rout-  setup and integration fuss”.   Watson said true end-to-end   buy a long sheet press, and
                                                                                               we can add in a number of
      tives and launched earlier  ing. The Ultimate Tech soft-  He commented: “The con-  workflow automation
      this year. Its connectivity  ware will be available “soon”   nectivity landscape is simpli-  required smart, best-in-class   new product lines because of
      platform is based around  to all customers via   fying, it will become ever   software solutions. She said:   it, along with foiling which
      three core elements:  CoConnect.             easier to integrate new and   “Inter-connectivity is a key   works with the dry toner,” he
      CoCore an AI-enabled plat-  CoCoCo director Karl Ciz   existing print shop assets.   element, and at Ultimate   explained. “We keep think-
      form that includes data stor-  said the integration would   We are super-happy to be   Tech we believe in open   ing of things we can produce
      age; CoConnect for  provide customers with a   working with world leading  solutions & industry stand-  on the Iridesse, so that’s all
      connecting “any software  “world class imposition   solutions providers like   ards.     very exciting.”
      Infigo launches Enfocus                                            Resolute to open

      connection                                                         research facility

        Web-to-print software                                             Direct-to-film (DTF) kit
      developer Infigo launched                                          and consumables manufac-
      its latest Connect plugin at                                       turer Resolute is set to open
      Pr int ing United in                                               a new R&D facility, which it
      September, showing off the                                         said would be the UK’s first
      partnership with an                                                dedicated to DTF and
      AI-powered custom baseball                                         direct-to-substrate (DTS)
      trading card generator. The                                        printing.Following
      Connect:Switch module,                                             Resolute’s move to purpose-  First DTF/DTS research facility
      available now in Enfocus’                                          built  premises  in March   space to carry out its R&D
      appstore, allows “seamless”                                        2024,  the company  has   work, Marsh told
      connection between Switch   Infigo showed off its software’s AI capabilities at Printing United  grown at such a speed that   Printweek.
      and Infigo storefronts,   was then printed and cut  global marketing. “The   it  requires  significantly   “We had expansion plans
      allowing users to import job   automatically.   Connect:Switch is only going   more space than antici-  for years one and two after
      details, asset files, and meta-  Infigo’s connection to            pated, according to Colin   we  moved  in  – but  we
      data into their Enfocus   Enfocus represents another   to benefit print service pro-  Marsh, the firm’s managing   greatly underestimated our
      Switch print environment.  significant jump in the soft-  viders. They can sit back, and   director.  rate of  growth,”  he
        Demonstrating the tech-  ware’s potential market,  all their kit will be talking to   The  company’s main   explained.  “That came so
      nology,  Infigo set up a base-  joining July’s connection to  each other.   930sqm facility is currently   soon that we had no room for
                                                                         undergoing further build-
      ball-themed attraction at its   eProductivity  Software’s   “We’re proud of how the   ing work – originally slated   R&D, which is a very impor-
      store where visitors could   PACE system as the latest             for 2025 – to add a further   tant part of our business: so
      generate themselves a base-  Infigo addition.  workflow is functioning, and   930sqm first floor; even   we’ve acquired two new
      ball card through Infigo’s   “It’s so easy to set up,” said   we want to keep it as low a   with this expansion, the   units opposite, which is very
      AI-powered software, which   Chris Minn, Infigo’s head of  cost as possible.”  company needed further   convenient.”                                                                    October 2024 PrintWeek MENA 13
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